22 | Girl talk

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Chapter 22 - Girl talk

Marinette's POV:

A knock on the door was heard while we were still laughing and playing Truth or dare.

"I'll get it" Alya said while still laughing because of the game. She got the pizzas and placed them on the table.

"Pizza time!" Chloe squealed.

Alya really thought that I wouldn't question her as well didn't she? Well she has another thing coming.

Revenge is sweet

"Hold up Alya, you're not getting away too easily. You're up next so Truth or dare?" I smirked.


"I'll go with truth cause you look like you are plotting an evil plan." Alya frowned.

"So what's the deal with you and Nino?" I smiled evilly

"Oh great, you did this as payback, didn't you?" Alya shook her head disapprovingly as I giggled

"Well we are just friends at the moment..." Alya shrugged.

"Yeah.. just friends?" Chloe questioned

"Just friends" Alya said still smiling

"Girl don't even try to hide the truth, spill it all out." I frowned.

"It is the truth though. We are just friends, nothing more, nothing less." Alya shrugged.

"And does he know that?" Chloe frowned. "Cause it looks like he is seriously into you."

"Oh please, don't start with that." Alya shook her head again.

"It's true though, do you not see the way that boy looks at you, it's actually cute." I shrugged.

"Yeah yeah whatever, come on let's just eat. I'm getting hungry." Alya smiled cheekily.

Not her trying to avoid the conversation.

You aren't slick Alya.

"We are not done with this conversation though." I frowned as I took a bite of my cheese pizza.

We ate our pizzas while watching YouTube on the tv. Once we finished eating, we continued playing truth or dare.

Come on Mari, do a dare. Don't be boring.

Why not. It's not like I have anything to lose.

"Give me a dare guys. It's time to spice things up" I smiled, feeling confident.

"Okay, I dare you to send a message to Adrien and tell him to bring us something." Chloe said with an evil smile.

Really? That's it.

That's lightwork.

"Oh. That's simple" I shrugged. To be fair I was expecting something worse. This dare isn't even bad or hard. "And you have to show us the messages," Alya added.

"Consider it done." I saluted the girls then pulled out my phone looking for Adrien's contact. I went onto messages and began typing.


Marinette: Hey Adrien :)

Adrien: Hey Mari. You alright?

Marinette: Yeah, can I ask you something?

Adrien: Sure. Anything you like.

Marinette: I need some Hot chocolate but I forgot to buy some earlier and I don't have the energy to walk back to the shops. Is it okay if you could get me some?

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