12 | Her biggest Nightmare

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Chapter 12a - Her biggest Nightmare

Marinette's POV

After taking a well needed nap, I woke up at 10am and began getting myself ready for school. I had 2 lessons today. Business studies at 11am and Design and technology at 1.30pm.

They were both good lessons in my opinion. Studying business would definitely push me in the right direction in the future and design and technology is definitely helpful for my designs.

I decided to wear something simple for school. I wore my dark grey hoodie with black leggings, Nike socks and black Nike 270s shoes. I put my hair into a messy bun and put on my anti-blue light glasses.

While I waited for Adrien to come, I went over to my kitchen and decided to get myself a small snack to eat. I made myself some pancakes with strawberries, bananas and blueberries.

Just when I finished eating my food and washed my plates, there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and let Adrien into my apartment as I packed my purse.

"Are you alright?" Adrien asked as he watched me pack my phone, wallet and lip gloss into my purse.

I left my big books in my locker so I didn't need to carry a backpack today.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Sorry I'm not ready, I had a nap and only woke up 30 minutes ago." I said as I put my purse on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, it's not like we are going to be late or anything. It's only 10.35" Adrien shrugged. "Do you want a drink before going to school?"

I don't know about you but Coke zero sounds real good right now.

I internally rolled my eyes at my conscience.

"Yeah sure, I'm really feeling a coke zero right now. I need to restock on coke zero but I haven't had the time to go shopping." I shrugged as I walked up to Adrien.

"Alright, we'll stop at a local shop on our way. Are you ready to go?" Adrien asked as he looked at my outfit. Or should I say inspected my outfit?

Is he alright there?

No idea.

"Yeah, let's go." I agreed.

We walked to Adrien's garage and he immediately went into his Tesla. I took the time to look at the different cars he had in his garage. He had about 5 cars in there.

If he has all these cars here then how many does he have back at his house?

Out of all the cars he had, he mainly used his tesla and his Lamborghini. Those were the cars I immediately recognised. I also noticed he had a Mercedes Benz. The only reason I knew it was a Mercedes Benz was because my mother wanted to get one.

Mercedes Benz cars are so pretty. I understand why it's my mothers dream car. It's my dream car too.

I followed Adrien and sat in the passenger seat of his tesla. I turned to look at him as he began to put on his seatbelt.

"Why do you mainly use your tesla and Lamborghini and not your other cars?" I asked inquisitively.

I'm a curious person. Don't judge me.

He shrugged and replied. "They are just my favourite ones. The others are too slow."

I raised my brow but didn't continue the conversation. I looked over at the Mercedes Benz again. It had always been my dream to ride in one or to even own one.

In the future.

I will definitely fulfil that dream at some point in my lifetime.

Adrien drove out of the garage and started driving down to school, we stopped at a corner shop so that I could get a bottle of coke zero which Adrien had kindly paid for.

The Bad Boy and The Good Girl (Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now