32 | Unexpected events

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Chapter 32  - Unexpected events

Adrien's POV

I was starting to get bored.

My plan was to have a beautiful evening with Marinette but instead I'm stuck here with my 'friends' who were busy flirting with girls and forcing me to do the same.

I had no interest in these people, I had my eyes set on Marinette.

My eyes scanned the room, looking for Marinette. I saw that she was still sitting at the table that she was at with her friends. However her friends weren't with her.

Luka was.

I began intently watching the two.

Why was Luka with her? I thought she made it clear that she didn't even want to interact with him.

I felt my eyes narrow at the sight of him.

It looked like they were having a good conversation. I haven't seen Marinette even try to push him away or anything.

Suddenly Marinette stood up, I thought she was going to walk away from him but instead she opened her arms and Luka stood up and hugged her.

How many chapters did I miss?

A couple hours ago they didn't even acknowledge each other's existence and now they are here hugging?


I was not liking what I was seeing, apart from her girls, the only person Marinette should be hugging is me.

I know we weren't official yet but I was planning to change that real soon.

I already knew she liked me, I mean come on. If you compare the way she was in the beginning and the way she is around me now, it's significantly different.

She gets flustered so easily, it's adorable. One small joke and she's blushing.

It's cute though so I'm not complaining.

I brought my attention back to the current situation. Marinette and Luka were no longer at the table. I began looking around for them and saw they were dancing together on the dance floor.

If there was one thing I was sure of, it was that I should be the one dancing with Marinette, not him.

I had enough of standing back and not doing anything and I had enough being with these jerks who were a bunch of flirts.

I walked away from the group without telling them where I was going and went over to Marinette and Luka.

She looked so happy, a part of me didn't want to disturb them but my jealousy took over and wanted to stop their little interaction.

I pushed past the crowd and made my way to Marinette and Luka.

"Can I steal Marinette from you?" I asked as I looked at Luka dead in the eyes.

What I wasn't expecting was Marinette being the one to turn me down.

"Maybe in a bit, I want to continue being with someone who actually has time for me. Don't worry you can go back to your group of friends and can continue flirting with all the girls." She smiled but it wasn't a genuine smile. It was forced.

Luka looked at me with a look of shock and he shrugged his shoulders signalling that he had no clue she was going to do that.

I know she was trying her best to be nice about it but I knew she was mad at me.

I was mad at myself.

I should've left them lot, ages ago. It wasn't right for me to do what I did.

I needed to apologise to Marinette.

The Bad Boy and The Good Girl (Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now