Rain Awaited (Achievement #5 = 2 Points + 2 bonus points)
Bright blue, sunny sky
Nary a cloud to be seen—
Dusty and parched earth.
Dusty and parched earth
Heat rising from empty roads—
Wind howling through trees.
Wind howling through trees
Leaves flail in summer's glory—
Eager for relief.
Eager for relief
All eyes on the horizon—
Hoping for dark clouds.
Hoping for dark clouds
And onslaught of the monsoon—
The scent of wet earth.
The scent of wet earth
Nature bursts in verdant life—
Mud puddles abound.
Mud puddles abound
Incessant rains make me long—
Bright blue, sunny sky.
Achievement Hunter - Poets Pub 2021 Summer Challenge
PoetryWelcome to our 2021 Achievement Hunter Challenge. This is a brand new challenge here at the Poets Pub and it will be running through the summer, June 1st through August 31. We will be posting at least 27 different "achievements" each month and eac...