Why (Achievement #14 = 3 points)
Why does this young lady persistently save me from my blushes?
With a name like MystresMyna, why would she tolerate all my glitches?
You would be more inclined to think that she ran the local diner.
To me she is more like the old woman in a shoe, caring for a minor.
But with a wave of her wand, I am fixed, she has sown up my stitches.
F/N: This Limerick is a tribute to Myna who is always supportive, no matter how much of a pain I can be.
Achievement Hunter - Poets Pub 2021 Summer Challenge
PoesiaWelcome to our 2021 Achievement Hunter Challenge. This is a brand new challenge here at the Poets Pub and it will be running through the summer, June 1st through August 31. We will be posting at least 27 different "achievements" each month and eac...