Not To Bee-labour The Point, But . . . (lyttlejoe) #19

8 5 4

Not To Bee-labour The Point, But . . . (Achievement #19 = 3 points)

To Bee or not to Bee

What a question!

It's a job, inside and out the hive

Every day from nine to five

Nursing, cleaning, undertaking

Building, capping, pollen packing

Frankly, it's quite back breaking

Then here's collecting pollen and nectar,

And don't forget water and Bee glue

Then it's back to the hive with guarding to do

And don't get me started on drones

They hang around the honeycomb

Flirting with the queen

Suffering her arrows and stings

Happy just to know they're seen

Then it's up to us to cart them out

And drop them far away

But their line is never ending

And it all repeats another day

Until we have shuffled off this mortal coil

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