Part 2

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Remember when I said that it's not like my whole life is going to change? Well, that was completely wrong. Two weeks after moving in with the avengers and everything is different. They have movie nights and eat dinner all together and do things together. I just want to stay in my room doing homework and listening to music and watching my movies but I can't. Dad wants me to get to know the people I'm living with. It's as if I can't read all about them in the news. Oh and guess what? Dad is forcing me to go to school. He says it's a good way to meet new people my age. The school year doesn't start until a week so I still have time to convince him I'm fine at home.

The more time I spent in that building the more I wanted to get away from everything. They're all very nice but they're very energetic. I need to get away from them. I needed to go for a walk or something. "Hey dad, I'm going to hang out with Alex" I grab my jacket, pass Wanda, who's sitting on the couch on her phone and head for the door. "Hey, I'll walk you over" Wanda says. Great. At least I'm stuck with a more chill avenger. We walk for a bit in a random direction. I was hoping I could walk far enough find a random houses, say it's Alex's house and then she'll leave me. "Soo what's up with you and Alex?" Wanda asks. "What? Nothing." I answer. "Ok Luna, I know weren't going to this guys house. I'm guessing you guys were close, so what happened?" Wanda asks me. "Ok fine, about a year ago, I was hanging out with Alex and he just randomly tells me he likes me and I didn't like him back and when I told him, he got mad and we haven't spoken since. I've texted and called him a billion times and no response." Wanda looks at me. "Luna, don't worry about him, he just needs time. He's going to eventually come around. And if he doesn't, he's losing a great friend." I smile at Wanda's words. Maybe the avengers aren't all annoying. "Hey do you want to go see some where else besides Manhattan?" Wanda asked. I haven't been anywhere besides Manhattan so this wasn't an offer I could refuse.

We decided to go to Queens. I just randomly picked the first boroughs I saw on the map. We get on a subway and walk around Queens. We pass this bodega. "Hey, do you want to get some candy or something?" I ask Wanda. "Yeah, sure. Let's grab a snack." She answers. We go in and each grab a chocolate bar. We stand in line behind this kid. Well he isn't a kid, he looks my age. "Ten dollars." The worker tells the kid. "It's five dollars." "For that comment, ten dollars." I wonder what he said. "Hey, come on, I'm joking. I'm joking. Here's five dollars." He turns around and freezes when he sees me and Wanda. He's kinda cute. I look at Wanda and she's just staring at the kid like she recognizes him or something. "Oh um uh sorry" The kid stutters out before leaving. "Do you know him or something?" I ask Wanda. "Nope" she answers a little to quickly. "Peter has a habit of freezing when he sees a pretty girl" The worker, Delmar, ohh he's the owner, says. Wanda laughs at his comment. "I'm so confused. Aren't you a little to old for him, Wanda. I mean no offence but he looks like he's 16" Wanda laughs at my cluelessness.

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