Part 4

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The class finally finishes and it's lunch. I go to the cafteria. I see MJ and she waves her hand, signaling to come over there. She's sitting with the guys from Chemistry. I walk over and sit next to MJ. "Guys, this is Luna. She's in our chemistry class." The guy from my physics classes is just staring at me. "I'm Ned Leeds and this is Peter Parker." The guy next him says. "Hey, umm I think you're in my physics class?" "Yeah, with Mrs. Warren." I say. "Wait you're the girl that was with Wan- I mean from the deli" Ohh that's were i recognize him. He's the guy from the bodega from like a week ago. "Ohh yeah.." I still find it weird the way Wanda and Peter were looking at each other. "So why'd you switch school" MJ asked me. "Well I was homeschooled and my dad wanted me to meet people my age. I wouldn't say i'm anti-social but I don't have any friends my age." My only friend right now are the avengers and they are all at least 5 years older than me. "Well now we're your friends" Ned says.

We talk during the entire lunch. MJ is more chill but she likes to tease the boys, Ned is a lot of fun and Peter is super nice and sweet. Not to mention, he's so cute. I think MJ noticed something is up. "You should come over to Peter's after school" Ned says. "Yeah, we could all hangout." Peter adds. "Yeah, sure. Let me give you my number and you can texted me your address." I say. I turn around to grab my phone out of my bag and that's when i saw him. Alex. I didn't know he even went here. He never told me. And it as to late to do anything. We made eye contact already and he was making his way over here. I turn around and hope that maybe I was seing things or maybe he didn't see me.

Let me catch you up on our crazy friendship. We met at a park when we were 10. We would hang out at anytime we could. When we were 13, we decided that we should be each other first kiss so then our second kiss wouldn't suck. And now fast forward 3 years. We are on the rooftop of my apartment building and Alex is telling me about how he's starting a new school. I tell him that i really wish i could go with him and he kisses me. Just like that. I pulled away and tell him that i really do not like him like that and he starts getting mad at me and telling me that we would be perfect together if i wasn't a pretentious, spoiled bitch. And we haven't talked since. Now that i think about it, I have no idea why I tired to be friends with him again. I've spent a year trying to get him to talk to me. If he really cared about me he would understand and he would've texted me back 12 months ago.

I open the option to create a new contact and pass my phone to MJ. She enters her number and passes it to Ned. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and look up. Standing there was a 6ft blond boy. That was Alex. He grew one or two inches since I last saw him. "Hey Luna" He says a little to happy. He was pissed off at me, he made me so lonely and sad for a whole year but now he's happy and acting as if he didn't call me a bitch. "Hey Alex" I say trying not to show any emotion. I turn back around and Ned passes the phone to Peter. All three of them are looking at me confused. "Long time, no see. How have you been" He ask casually. This cannot be happening. What a fucking douche-bag. "Look Alex, I have been doing fine. Nothing has changed in the past year. Also it wouldn't be 'long time, no see' if you weren't a dick. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm talking to my friends" He made me feel awful and super guilty for rejecting him and a year later he thinks that's all forgotten. "Wait, you're not still hung up on what happened on the rooftop" God I could fucking punch him. "You haven't talked to me in a year and now you are here, acting like things are perfectly fine" I can't be in here anymore. What were the chances the one high school I go is also Alex's high school. I grab my bag and walk out the cafeteria. Alex was way to much right now.

There was nobody in the hallway so i sat down next to some lockers. Everything was doing great before Alex. A few minutes later, MJ, Ned and Peter find me. "Ok, you have to explain whatever that was" MJ says. "It's a long story" I answer. "What is he like your ex or something?" Ned asks. "Omg, nooo" I explain to them what happened. Peter is now sitting next me and MJ and Ned are still standing. "He sucks and you aren't a pretentious, spoiled bitch" Peter says. I giggle. "You barely know me" I tell him.

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