Part 22

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After that awful moment when heading back to the compound, I couldn't sleep. But I had a whole 2 months to sleep if I wanted to. I can't believe I'm graduating in like 8 months. I go out to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Every one is sitting and talking but when I come in everything goes quiet. "What?" I ask them. "Did something happen last night? I thought you said you were goin to be out late." Dad asks. "Yeah, I was tired" I say, hoping to end this conversation. "Steve, leave her alone. She's almost 17. She's responsable enough to make her own choices." Nat says. I almost forgot that my birthday is in a week with all this boy drama. There's knock at the door. Tony goes to open it. "Hey kid!" I hear him say. Oh no. "Hey Mr. Stark," Oh no. "is Luna here?" He asks. Why is Peter here? Did I not make it clear last night. Everyone looks back at me. "Yeah I'll go get her." WHY TONY? WHY? "Hey Luna, Pe-" "I know." I say, walking past him. I go to the door. I look at Peter and look back at the team. I can't do this in here. "Let's go outside." I say while I close the door behind me.

"Why are you here." I say. "I wanted to make sure you got home ok." "You could've texted." I say. "Luna, please. Just give me a chance. I'm sorry. It was a huge mistake to break up with you but these last two months have been absolute shit with out you. I-I loved you" He says. "Well, I loved you too and you still hurt me. You weren't supposed to do that. You were supposed to be one of the good guys." I say, holding back tears. I reach for the h,andle to go back inside. "You know what? No. I can't let go. Despite what you might think, I never stopped caring about you." I guess he wouldn't be here if he didn't care. "Fine. One chance. Let me get changed and we'll get coffee." I say. I open the door and everyone and standing on the other side. "What are you guys doing?" I ask. "Nothing" Sam answers. "Guys seriously, what happened to respecting my privacy." "Well, you never tell us anything and Steve said that I can't read your mind without your permission." Wanda says. "K, leave us alone now." I say shooing them away. I get change and Peter and I go.

"So, how are MJ and Ned?" I ask Peter. "Good. They're still mad at me for breaking up with you." "You told them?" I say. "They were going to find out eventually." Peter shrugs it off. So they've known this whole time? "So you and Alex?" Peter asks. "Barely even friends." I answer. I think I saw glimmer of hope in his eyes. We get our coffees and spend the res of the day together. It felt right. I missed him. After we saw a movie, Peter and I went to the rooftop and stargazed but it's kind of hard to do that in new york. My head lied on his chest while he runs his hands through my hair. "Luna?" "Yeah?" I ask. "Do you want to try again?" I sit up and face him. I look into his big brown eyes and give him a small peck on the lips. "No." I whisper. Peter looks at me in disbelief. "Wait what?" Peter asks, worried. "I'm kidding. Obviously, I want to be with you." "That wasn't funny." Peter says. "Aww, I'll make it up to you." I say before kissing him again. Yeah, this feels right.

The End? I have no more ideas.

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