Telling the fans and nighttime routine

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It was 6 o' clock and Ahvi, Greyson and Ivanna were up from a two hour long nap, and The adults had just finished watching Skyscraper.

Ben, Lexi, Ahvi, Greyson, and Ivanna are the only ones left in the movie room watching Cocomelon, While the others are making dinner

Ben, Lexi, Ahvi, Greyson, and Ivanna are the only ones left in the movie room watching Cocomelon, While the others are making dinner

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Ben(whisper): Baby when do you think we should we should tell the fans.

Lexi(whisper): Why don't we do a live tonight after dinner and tell them

Ben: Well I think it's a great idea, why don't we ask her first though

Lexi: Yeah I agree, I really don't want her to get hate though

Ben: Well even if she gets hate, none of the negative things they say about her will be true because she is beautiful, smart, and loving.

Lexi: Ok, let's ask her then

They wait for one of the cocomelon episodes to finish

Lexi: Ahvi baby can you please come back here so daddy and I can ask you a really important question

Ahvi: Ok mommy I'm coming

Ahvi's POV

Mommy told me that she and daddy wanted to ask me something really impon-impor, whatever the word is. I walked up to them, smiled at them, and said

Me: What is it mommy, did I do somefing bad

Daddy: no princess you didn't do anything bad

Mommy: Yeah baby your not in trouble, I promise ok

Ahvi: Ok

Daddy: So mommy and I didn't tell you this but mommy and daddy are really famous

Ahvi: What does dat mean

Mommy: It means a lot of people know mommy and daddy and all your uncles and aunties

Ahvi: Really

Mommy and Daddy: Yeah

Daddy: So, would you like us to tell all those people who know us about you or would you like to wait

Ahvi: Does that mean I'll get to be fanous too

they laugh

Mommy: Baby say Fay

Ahvi: Fay

Daddy and mommy: mous

Ahvi: mous

Daddy: good girl, but baby do you want us to tell them

Ahvi: Yes, Pwease

Daddy: Ok

Mommy: Come here your so cute

Then mommy pulls me close to her and starts tickling my sides

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