Content House Event

178 9 34

Brent's POV

Today, I was playing with Ahvi, Brooklyn, Ivanna, and Greyson in the play room when I got a phone call from an Unknown number. I honestly thought that they were one of those fraudsters so I answered it and put it on speaker


Person: Hello, My name is Philip Williams and I am an event planner.

I took it off of speakerphone and left the room to get out of the noisy environment

Brent: Hello, I'm Brent Rivera

Philip: Have you heard of the Content House Event happening

Brent: I've seen a bit of it on Instagram but I don't really know what It's about

Philip: Ok so, I am the host of that event

Brent: Oh wow

Philip: Yeah, So in the event, We bring well known Content houses/groups and we rank them from the most adored to the least adored. So the group comes and gives a little speech of who they are, when the group was created, the people in the group, the message your group is trying to put out, how your group is different from others, and how the group has been beneficial and/or Inspirational to others. Then after everyone gives a speech, We will have an online poll out for 2 hours while everyone eats from a buffet. The house with the most votes wins a $10,000 prize to a charity of their choice. It's taking place here in Huntington Beach

Brent: Oh Wow Sounds like it would be a great event

Philip: So I was asking if you and the amp squad would like to participate in the event which is taking place this Friday

Brent: I would love to say yes but I have to ask the others before so Can I message you once I ask them

Philip: No problem and I'll send what needs to be in the speech

Brent: Oh and one Question, Can we bring the Children because they are technically part of the house

Philip: Ofc That shouldn't be a problem

Brent: Ok, Can I ask who We'll be going against

Philip: Hype, Sway, KUWTK, Piper's Squad, Shluv and Thriller

Brent: Oh Ok, Sounds good

Philip: Ok, Thanks so much, I am looking forward to your reply, Have a great day

Brent: Thanks, you too

End of Call

Then, Brent gets a text from Pierson


Pierson: Can you tell the girls to come eat lunch

Brent: Sure, I just got a really important call from someone so can all of you guys meet me in Living room

Pierson: Sure, I'll tell them once I put the kids in their high chairs

Brent: Ok, We'll be down in a minute

End of Chat

Brent: Girls It's ti-

Ivanna: No Daddy, I don't want to have a nap

Brent: That's not what I was going to say, It's time for lunch

Brooklyn: Ok

Greyson: But we are going to continue playing after

Ahvi: Deal

Brent: That is your Parents decision

They run away to the dining room and I follow behind

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