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1 month later

Kat was 8 months pregnant

Alan had been taking Kat to her appointments every other week. He had been so helpful, many outsiders thought he was the dad. It was obvious that they had a thing for each other but were just afraid to tell each other

It was early in the morning and everyone was downstairs eating breakfast except for Kat, she didn't really sleep well at night because of the baby kicking so she didn't wake up early

Alan: I need your help you guys

Everyone: What

Alan: I L-like Kat

Pierson: Yeah

Jeremy: Why are you telling us old news

Lexi H.: Yeah tell us something we don't already know

Alan: You knew

Alex: I didn't

Lexi: Yeah that's because your not observative

Sofie: If I didn't know you two, I would think that you both are together

Alan: It's that visible?

Everyone: OFC

Ahvi: Marry her Uncle Lanny

They laugh

Eva: It's obvious she likes you back

Alan: You think?

Everyone: YES

Ivanna: I asked her and she said that your a nice guy

Greyson: Yeah and we asked If she wanted to marry you and she said in the future

Ben: See

Dom: When are you planning to ask her

Alan: I want to ask her before she has the baby

Brent: Smart move

He say shaking his hand

Pierson: Ask her today at Antara Gardens

Alex: Yeah she loves flowers

Alan: Great Idea, Thanks so much. You have no Idea how much this means to me

Lexi H.: Now only Alex, Eva and I are the single pringles

Eva and Alex: IK

They laugh and Alan goes upstairs to book the little restaurant in Antara Gardens

Kat: Good Morning guys

She waddles in the kitchen

Everyone: Good Morning

Kids: Good morning Aunt Kat

Kat: Good morning sweethearts

She than sits down onto the dining table chair from tiredness

Brent: Why don't you take the elevator instead of the stairs

Kat: What elevator

Lexi: We have an elevator

Kat: No one told me

Dom: OH really

Lexi H.: Well, here's your breakfast

She brings her breakfast to her and she gags at the smell of the eggs

Kat: I am so sorry but what did you use to fry the eggs

Lexi H.: Olive oil

Kat gags again

Kat: I really don't like the smell of olive oil

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