maternity photoshoot

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*This is more of a picture chapter*

Lexi is 7 months

Kat's POV

I woke up this morning super excited. Today, was Lexi and Ben's maternity photoshoot. They were going to have the photoshoot in the house, so the house had agreed to go out for the day. I heard the tap on, so everyone was probably up getting ready. I woke up Alan and told him to get Leighton from his room so we can get him ready.

Lexi's POV

I woke up to my alarm I set. I decided to get Ahvi ready before waking Ben up because he didn't sleep early yesterday. I got of the bed, took a shower, brushed my teeth and then went to Ahvi's room. Before I got there, Arabella came to tell me that they were leaving so I quickly went down to say goodbye. The girls said they couldn't wait to see the results and then they left. I took the elevator upstairs and went to Ahvi's room. I saw her sleeping peacefully on her bed. I could literally look at her all day because she is the cutest little girl ever. I got out of my daze and then woke my little princess up.

Lexi: Good Morning Sweetie

Ahvi: Good Morning Mama, how did you sleep

Lexi: I slept good baby, how did you sleep

Ahvi: I slept fine Thanks

Lexi: Can you get up so we can get ready for the photoshoot

Ahvi: It's today?

Lexi: Yeah

Ahvi: Yay

Nobody's POV

Ahvi jumps out of bed and runs to the bathroom

Lexi: Ahvi, wait so I can help you brush your teeth

She goes to the bathroom and helps Ahvi brush her teeth, take a bath, and does her hair.

(Except the bag)

Ahvi: Where's daddy, Momma

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Ahvi: Where's daddy, Momma

Lexi: He's asleep

Ahvi then smirks

Ahvi: Can I go wake him up

Lexi: Hahah ofc

Ahvi runs to Lexi and Ben's room with Lexi closely behind

Ahvi stands at the edge of the bed and waits for Lexi to come in

When Lexi comes in, she jumps on top of Ben and Lexi starts to laugh

Ben groans

Ben: Owww owww Ahvianna Brooke, you are going to be in big trouble

Ahvi: I know, anyway good morning daddy

Ben finally sits up

Ben: Good Morn- What are you wearing

Ahvi and Lexi: Clothes

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