moving to the new houses

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Brent: We are moving in 3 days so we need to start packing our stuff from the garage and clothes into boxes and stuff

Eva: The house over there is fully furnished, so we can just leave all the furniture here

Alan: Yeah, I was about to mention it

Lexi H.: I can take the kids over to my parents house, so we can have a stress free 3 days of packing

Lexi: 3 DAYS

Pierson: Yeah I can't go that long without my babies

Dom: Then let her take them and we can go get them in the evenings

Girls: Nooo

Katie: Then, we barely get to spend the day with them

Ben: Oh my gosh

Sofie: We will only take them there today because it is when we will get majority of the packing done

Alex: Me and Alan will go get some boxes from the recycling center

Jeremy: Ok perfect

Lexi H, the kids and the twins leave

Lexi: Since we are waiting for the boxes, I am bringing all my clothes down here, so that I don't have to carry heavy boxes down the stairs

Eva: That is a great idea

Sofie: Smart thinking

Ben: Why do you think we have an elevator

Brent: Yeah what do you guys use it for

Pierson: I still consider Lexi's idea

Dom: Oh gosh

Jeremy: You girls have sooooo many clothes

Katie: So stop jabbering your mouth and come help

Ben: We better go because they are going to get their way either way

The boys go and help the girls bring all their clothes, shoes, and accessories downstairs, and they finish after one hour

Ben, Lexi, Pierson, and Brent even manage to bring their children's things down

Dom: Omg you guys are so annoying

Lexi: You're Lucky Lexi Hensler wasn't here

Ben: This was literally useless

Jeremy: Yeah, there was no point in doing this

The girls ignore them, and start to sort out how they are going to put things inside of the boxes, while the boys go upstairs and start to fold and organize their things too

Then Lexi Hensler and The twins arrive and see what is going in the living room

Lexi Hensler: What in the froyo is happening here

Alan: WOW

Alex: Where are the boys, they would never allow this

Katie: Would you believe me if I told you that they helped us bring these stuff here

Lexi H.: Yes I would

They laugh

The twins go upstairs to go pack, taking half the boxes upstairs and leaving like 50 of them downstairs

They convinced Lexi H. and she also brought her and Arabella's stuff downstairs

They put the items in the boxes and wrote their names on it so it wouldn't get mixed up with the other things

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