Thinking of moving

242 7 15

2 weeks to wedding

Brent calls a group meeting in the afternoon while all the kids are having a nap so It is without distraction. They are all in the living room

Brent: I decided to have a little meeting with us all, and thought this would be the right time since all the kids are having a nap.

Everyone: Ok

Brent : So, I am holding this meeting because we are a growing family and now, we have no extra rooms, Ben and Lexi are about to get married and start having more children, which I don't agree with but mom said I should leave you guys alone, Dom and Sofie are engaged and Sofie wants to also adopt, even though Dom hasn't agreed, IK She will do something to let him change his mind so I think it's time for a new squad house 

Everyone: sure

Lexi H.: When we were in Puerto Rico, I was actually telling the girls that we should get a new squad house so I'm in

Stokes twins: Yeah we want to have separate rooms

Sofie: I agree with moving

Eva: Yeah Arabella is almost one and she doesn't even want to sleep in her crib anymore, so she sleeps in Lexi's bed

Jeremy: I think it would be a good idea, but I am still sharing a room with Katie

Katie: Yeah, so you can watch me make my booty tiktok's

They all laugh

Dom: Well I agree, but Sofie is NOT bribing me to let her adopt a child

Pierson: ha we'll see about that

She high fives Sofie

Ben: These two definitely have a plan

Lexi: But I think we should wait after me and Ben's wedding because It is in 2 weeks and I don't want to have another stressful situation on my mind, sorry y'all

Brent: Yeah I agree and we haven't even found a house yet

Girls: Well I have some places

Dom and Alex: OFC

Pierson: They are all in this neighborhood because It's close to everyone's Parents

Lexi h .: Yeah I agree

Lexi: Sometimes Ahvi wants to go see her grandparents and I am not willing to drive 30 mins to an hour, so I got houses in this neighborhood

The girls present their phones onto the tv and show them these houses


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