Mystery Woman

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Today was going to be a lazy day for the amp squad. They had been so stressed about buying and selling houses that they barely had time to actually enjoy their new house. They had started the in home "ART GALLERY" and It looked amazing. There was art of Everyone drawn by an artist with a little description at the bottom

Most of the guys were editing videos for YouTube and the girls were taking photos of themselves and the kids for Instagram and also making TikToks.

Alex and Alan were visiting their parents though

Alex and Alan's POV

We were coming home from visiting our parents when Ben called for us to pick up lunch, at chick fil a

We had arrived and picked up the food

Once we had picked it up, we got into the car and started to head home

We were driving when we saw a Girl about 6-7ish months pregnant on the sidewalk crying with what looked like her bags around her

Alan: Why is she crying

Alex: IDK But we should help her

Alan: She is really beautiful and is standing outside, pregnant and crying in this hot weather

Alex: We should talk to her

They stop the car and she notices

They get out of the car and walk to her

Alan: Hi, I'm Alan and this is My twin brother Alex

Woman: H-hi I'm Kathleen but a-a lot of people call me K-Kat

They melt at her sweet voice

Alex: Do you mind if we ask what you are doing here crying in this hot weather

Kat: Well, I'm 19. As you can see, I am 7 months pregnant. I got pregnant when I was 18, due to b-being a-assaulted by a guy I was trying to help. When I told my parents, they kicked me out because they didn't believe me. I rented a really rusty and old apartment and started to work at Mcdonalds. but when I got far along in my pregnancy, I couldn't work anymore. Then I got kicked out my apartment yesterday and slept here on this sidewalk.

By the time she had finished explaining her story, she was crying her eyes out and Alan embraced her with a hug

Alan: Hey, hey, hey It's ok, you can came live with me

Kat: r-really, how do I trust that you won't do anything bad to me and my baby

Alex: You have a sad story and we would never add something worst to it

Kat: Thanks so much, I will definitely repay you

They pick her bags up and help her into the car

Alan: So If you don't know, We are famous and live in content house with a group of friends

Kat: Ohhh that's why I recognize you

Alex: yes we are the stokes-


Alan: haha Yes

Kat: Ohh ok

They arrive 15 mins later

Kat: Your house is HUGE

The twins laugh at her reaction

Alex gets her bags and Alan helps her into the house

Nobody's POV


Lexi h. comes to open the door

Lexi H.: Where's the foo- Oh HI, Nice to meet you?

She says looking done at her belly, trying to put 2 and 2 together but fails horribly knowing the twins could never do something like that

Alex: Call everyone into the living room, we have someone for them to meet


Kat laughs

Alex and Alan: NOT TRUE

They all meet in the living room

Dom: SOoooo, who is this

Alan: This is Kat. We met her on the sidewalk today crying

They explain her story to them and why they brought her to the house

Everyone is teary eyed, including Kat herself

Brent: Well, you are invited to the house

Sofie: Stay as long as you want

Ben: Yeah nobody deserves what you went through

Eva: I wouldn't even wish this upon my enemy

Jeremy: No one deserves to be treated like that

Katie: It wasn't your fault

Pierson: I'm sorry but your parents are cruel

Kat: Thanks so much

Lexi: So do you know what your having

Kat: Yeah

Dom: What is it

Kat: I'm having a baby boy

Boys: YEAH

Lexi H.: So happy for you

Kat: Thanks for letting me stay here. I know I just came but I am starving. I didn't have enough money and I haven't eaten for 2 days

Girls: 2 WHAT

Brent: Are you kidding me

Alex: Why didn't you say so

Alan: We would have bought you something or at least had you eat before explaining this story

Kat: I'm sorry

Ben: It's ok now let's go eat

They all go to the kitchen to eat the chick fil a the twins bought

Kat: Thanks you guys that was the best chick fil a i've ever tasted

Everyone: No problem

Kat then Yawns

Pierson: We should take you to your room, you probably didn't get proper sleep from sleeping on concrete

Kat: I really need to repay you guys, y'all are so nice and kind

Dom: You don't have to 

Katie: Yeah we're just being nice

Jeremy: We are happy to have another little sister

Kat smiles and then follows the twins into her room with her bags already in them

Kat smiles and then follows the twins into her room with her bags already in them

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Kat: Are we in the right room

Alex: OFC we are

Alan: This is one of our many guest rooms

Kat: What did I do to deserve this.

She starts to tear up and they hug her

Kat: Flipping Hormones

Alex: It's ok

Alan: Yeah we get it

They leave her so she can rest

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