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A/N Hey Guys, I might only be able to post at least twice a week because I started school. I'll still try to post every other day though

Ahvi's POV

I was watching T.V. in my room this afternoon. I came in here right after I finished eating breakfast because Mom and Dad are spending the whole day in their room with stinkie butt face Kyrie. What if mom and dad don't love me anymore. A tear rolled down my face when I thought about it. I needed answers so I got off my bed, turned the T.V off and left my room to go ask momma and daddy my question

I opened the door and saw them cuddling Kyrie

Nobody's POV

Lexi: Hey baby

Ahvi: Can we have a conserbation wifout that stinkie butt face

Ben: Excuse me

Lexi: I hope your not talking about your Brother

Ahvi: He's not my bwother, I ha- diswike him. Because of him you guys don't wove me anymore


Ahvi mumbles: what

Ben: First of all, He is your little brother, you don't dislike him, which I'm proud didn't say hate, and We love you soooo much

Lexi: Come here baby

Ahvi walks up to Lexi and sits on her lap

Lexi: I'm sorry for yelling at you. You know that Your my very first baby. I love you to death and nothing will change that. We need to pay more attention to Kyrie because he's only 4 months old. I never want you to feel like we don't love you anymore because it'll never happen. Ok

Ahvi: Ok

Ben: Now promise me that you won't say mean things about your brother again

Ahvi: I pwomise

Ben: I think everyone is outside Let's go

Ahvi: Can I hold the baby

Lexi: Ofc, but let's go outside first

They walk downstairs and find everyone still outside

Kat: Oh hey

Pierson: What took you guys so long

Eva: Yeah I haven't seen Ahvi since breakfast

Alex: I haven't seen Lexi or Ben all morning

Ben: Well we came back for breakfast

Katie: What were you guys doing

Lexi: We were just dealing with a little situation

Dom: What situation

Ben: We so happened to have the 'do you still love me conversation' with someone

Lexi H.: Awww poor thing

Ahvi: Momma, can I hold him now

Lexi: Sure sit in the grass by Sofie and Jeremy

She sits down and Lexi places Kyrie on her and sits in front of them to support the baby's head

This is how big he was

This is how big he was

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