Day 3

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It was 3 and the amp squad was eating their lunch from the marvelous Chef Will, Whitney, and Ronnie. 

Alex: Guys we have been in the pool all day what are we going to do this evening

Sofie: Well, me and Dom actually have plans to celebrate DOFIE being Official

Everyone: wooooooooo

Lexi: awww

Jeremy: I'm so happy for you guys

Brent: Our dreams have come true

Eva: Well What is it

Pierson: Yeah

Dom: Well we are inviting you all to the fanciest Restaurant in town at 7. The reservations are actually 7 so we should be leaving at 6:45. I already told the Chef's not to come this evening

Lexi H: Woah I am excited

everyone: me too

Ben: Well we better go and shower all this bleach water off of us.

Katie: Yeah

Alan: Well who is going to take us there

Sofie: The cars that brought us here from the airport

Everyone: ohhhhhh

Lexi: Well let's go get ready then

They all get up and wash their plates. Even though the chef's said they would do it, they never left the dishes there. They all take showers and the girls all meet in Eva and Lexi H.'s to do their hair and makeup. 

Lexi: I'll do the little girls hair

Eva: I'll start curling anyone's hair if they want because I'm almost done mine

Pierson: Ok Eva I'm coming over

Katie: I'll do makeup then

Sofie: Ok because I suck at makeup

Lexi H.: Yeah me too I'll start curling my hair and I'll come over to makeup

The boys



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