Night before

247 8 11

16 hours to the wedding

Ben, Brent, Lexi's dad, Ben's dad, Dom, Greyson, Alex, Alan, and Jeremy were at the amp house for the night

Ben: I don't know why I am so nervous

Brent: Probably because I am going to beat you infront of everyone for marrying my sister

Lexi's Dad: Brent

Brent: But Dad-

Lexi's dad: No buts, leave them alone

The boys laugh at Brent

Ben's Dad: It is really normal

Dom: Yeah my dad said he was really nervous the night before too

Jeremy: You just need to remember that, You are marrying the girl of your dreams

Brent: yeah, yeah whatever

Ben: Thanks you guys, Y'all are the best

Boys except for Brent: Your welcome

Alex: We should go to bed or else we will be tired in the morning 

Alan: Yeah and we need to wake up in about 12 hrs so

The boys all say good night and everyone goes to bed

Lexi, Pierson, Lexi's Mom, Ben's mom, Sofie, Ahvi, Ivanna, Arabella, Lexi H., Eva, and Katie were all at Lexi's Parents' House

Lexi: I can't wait for tomorrow

Lexi's Mom: Aww I'm a bit sad though, You are going to be a big girl sweetheart

Lexi: Wasn't I already a big girl

they laugh

Ben's Mom: I'm going to finally have a daughter

Katie: I'm excited for you too

Eva: Can't wait to see you all glammed up

Sofie: Neither can I

Katie: After this, You and Dom are next

Lexi H.: Ahh I can't wait for that

Lexi's Mom: They are so cute together

Ben's Mom: IK

Sofie: You guys need to chill

They all laugh and decide to go to bed because they will wake up early in 11 hrs

Sorry this is soo short

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