delivery and meeting the others

245 9 28

It is 9:27pm. The kids are at Laura's house and Kat is 10cm and is in her room ready to push


Alan: I agree

Boys: EWW

The boys leave

Sofie: Well Eva, Katie and I are also leaving

Eva and Katie: GOOD LUCK

They leave too

Lexi: Lexi H., Pierson and I are only here for moral support because Alan will probably pass out on you

Kat: Thanks you guys

Dr. Kingsley: Push when you have another contraction

Alan: I don't think I can look

Pierson: No one has told you to look

Lexi H.: You just need to be here when she is panting, whimpering and screaming

Kat: I'm going to have a contraction

Dr. Kingsley: Ok push when your ready

Kat: I'm ready

Dr. Kingsley:  1,2,3 Push

Kat pushes for 9 seconds and stops

Dr. Kingsley: Good Job, the baby's head is coming down. 1,2,3 push

Kat pushes for the full 10 seconds

Pierson: Good job Kat

Lexi: You're doing so well

Dr. Kingsley: You are doing so good, your baby is starting to crown. Alan, would you like to se-

Alan: NOO

45 mins later

Kat: I can't do this *sniffle* It hurts so bad

Alan: IK, how you feel

Kat: Don't let me slap you, How do you know when you haven't experienced it

Alan: It's ok baby. After all your hard work in carrying this child for 9 months, You are getting your reward ok. You are the strongest girl IK. As much as I want to see your progress, I can't because I'll have nightmares

Kat: Haha, I hate you so much

Alan: I love you too

Lexi H.: It's ok, you have made me feel single enough

Dr. Kingsley: Ok Now you need to push the shoulders and the body will slide out

Alan: Eww

Kat: Say that again, I dare you

Alan: I'm sorry, I'm sorry

Kat: I need to push

Dr. Kingsley: Go ahead

Kat: Ahhhhhhhhhh

Dr. Kingsley: Great, keep going and you'll have your baby

Kat: Owww oww oww

Kat's POV

I gave one last huge push and then I feel something on my chest. I open my eyes and see a beautiful baby on me. Brown hair, cute little nose, and a small little mouth letting out load cries. He looked like a cuter, baby boy version of me. My vision became blurry and I realized, I was crying. I looked up to see Alan looking down at me teary eyed. He gave me a kiss.

Alan: Good job Mama. You did so well. I'm so proud of you

Nobody's POV

Dr. Kingsley: Baby Boy, 10: 07pm, 7lbs 1 ounce, Congrats

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