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They arrived, got off the jet and were hit by the sudden intense heat

Sofie: Your kidding

Juanpa: They must have a heater or something out here

Lexi: We're outside

Atlas: Looks like the beach is where we'll be spending our days

Kat: We were always complaining about the heat back in Huntington but this is worse

The security takes there bags and they go inside the airport

Airport Security: Welcome, Akwaaba

Pierson: Thanks

They go through security and all the things they need to do at the airport and then they get in front of the Airport.

So how are we going to get a taxi

Lexi h.: You hitchhike

Alex: How do you know

Katie: Lexi h. And Juanpa were on researching duty

Alex: Ohhh

Dom: Well, we need at least 3

Lexi h.: I'm joking you just wave your hand and we don't need three, we can just get a bus

Pierson and Tehillah wave there hands like they are coocoo

The bus stops and they get inside

Ben: Akwaaba

Driver: Akwaaba. Ete sen

Everyone: Huh

Driver: It means how are you

Alan: Good

Tehillah: How do we say that in Akan

Driver: Eyee

Eva: Eyee

Driver: So where to

Jeremy gives him the address and they start on the 15 min Drive

Skip to when they arrive

Everyone: Thanks

Driver: We say Medaase

Everyone: Medaase

The driver drives away

Katie: Wow

Sofie: This is beautiful

Lexi: IK

Brent: Kat and Alan, Y'all picked well

Kat: Thanks

Alex: Can we get in already, I'm tired

Alan: The guy said it should be unlocked because the keys are inside

The security open the door first and it was open

The security open the door first and it was open

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