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The event had just finished, the kids were all out and They were just stepping into their limo when some of The sway boys walked up to them.

(Ik most of them left)

Jaden: Congrats you guys

Amp: Thanks

Blake: What did you guys use to bribe the judges because we all know that that wasn't a fair game

They looked around in confusion

Kat: I actually think it was fair

Quinton: No one asked for you opinion Hobo, you used to live on the streets

They gasp


Alan: No, No we are not going to be calling people names. We did not come for drama. We didn't vote for ourselves

Bryce: No one gives a Sh**. You guys are just around having kids like effing rats

Pierson: Could you please use appropriate language we have children around

Alex: They aren't giving birth like rats too You have to actually listen to our story

Sofie: Yeah that is unacceptable

Jeremy: We are talking to you calmly so why can't you

Juanpa: Why are you mad at us, Why don't you go talk to Philip.

Bryce: No that's not how we work, Just make sure to watch your back 24/7 because we are coming at you for revenge

Then they left with laughter

They all get into the car in silence

Lexi: Are you kidding me bro, we shouldn't have came when we heard sway was going to come. They cause drama everywhere they go

Ben: Yeah IK

Katie: Now we aren't even safe in our own home

Brent: I Apologize you guys, this is all my fault, I should have told him that we didn't want to go, right when I heard sway was going to be there

Dom: No bro, Don't blame yourself because it wasn't anyone's fault

Lexi H.: Yeah we didn't know this was going to happen

Eva: It's ok, now that we know that they have something towards us, we just have to be extra careful and wait to see our faces all over social media tomorrow

Squad: Great

They arrive home

And Pierson takes out her phone and goes on Instagram

Pierson: Oh my gosh

Squad: WHAT

Pierson: Look on Instagram

They all whip their phones out

Juanpa: Nooo What is wrong with him

Brent: Are you kidding me right now

He had taken a picture of the amp squad and the description was, You cheating witches (but with a b). We are going to get our $10,000 or else make sure you watch your back. Children NOT excluded.

Eva:Why is he bringing the kids into this

Lexi H.: This guy is crazy

Jeremy: You just noticed

Sofie: If he touches any of these kids, he's going to be sorry

Alex: Can we just forget about this and go to bed

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