Push Gift

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Ben and Lexi are sleeping and it is the day after she had Kyrie

Dr. Oceania: Good Morning, Lexi and Ben

They yawn

Ben and Lexi: Good Morning

Dr. Oceania: How are you feeling Lexi

Lexi: I'm feeling better than yesterday. My body is still sore

Dr. Oceania: Yeah again, that is expected. But I have good news

Ben and Lexi: What

Dr. Oceania: You can go home today after the baby has a checkup.

Lexi: Oh My Goodness

Ben: Yay, Thanks Dr. Oceania

Dr. Oceania: Yeah, so you guys sign these papers while I check the baby, and then you'll be good to go.

They sign the papers and the Dr. Checks the baby earning little cries from him.

The doctor leaves so they can get ready.

Ben takes a shower first so that Lexi can dress the baby and breast feed him

Lexi: You are the cutest baby ever, you know that. Today, your going to be seeing your big house and all those crazy people you saw yesterday.

Lexi puts this on him

Lexi: Don't you look the cutest

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Lexi: Don't you look the cutest

Kyrie: Waaaa

Lexi: Your hungry aren't you, my love. Let me feed you before daddy finishes his shower

Lexi gets in one of the couches and Breastfeeds Kyrie

By the time she finishes, Ben comes out

Ben: Awww, Did you finish feeding him

Lexi: Mhm

Ben: Ok go get ready so I can play with my boy

Lexi: Ok, I'll miss you, Kyrie

Lexi kisses him and goes into the washroom.

She takes a shower, does natural makeup, and puts her outfit on

She takes a shower, does natural makeup, and puts her outfit on

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