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Alex Pov

We were on our way back."Thor report on the hulk." Nat said to Thor. "The gates of hel are filled with the screams of his victims." Really Thor. I don't think Bruce wants to hear that.

"But not the screams of the dead of course. No no wounded screams. Mainly whimpering a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout." Really.

"Not help Thor." I patted Bruce back. "Hey banner Dr cho is on her way from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony said to Bruce. "Uh yeah she know her way around."

"Thanks tell her to prep everything. Barton's gonna need the full treatment." I walked behind Tony. "Very good sir." I sigh my friend is hurt. "Jarvis take the wheel."

"Yes sir." Jarvis is hella annoying. "Approach vector is locked." There he goes again. "Feels good yeah?" We were by Loki Scepter.

"I mean you've been after this thing since S.H.I.E.L.D. collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties but-" Thor cut Tony off. "no but this bring it to a close." I love our little raiding parties.

"As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons. Since when is Strucker capable of human enhancement?." He has a point. What else has it been used for. I don't like it one bit.

"Banner and I will give it the over. But I want Alex opinion on this. Before it goes back to Asgard." Why my opinion. I'll just wait and see. "Is that cool with you?" I see Thor nod his head. "Just a few days till the farewell party."

I sigh. I hate it when he do party's. I'm force to go. What the point of going if I can't get drunk."you're staying right?" Tony asked Thor. "Yes" yes of course. A victory should be honored with revels." Party are boring to me.

"Yeah who doesn't love revels? Captain?" I shake my head. Really Tony. "Hopefully this puts an end to the chitauri and Hydra. So yes revels." 

I have to dress nice too.

Back at base

We are about to land back at base. "Do i have go Tony?" I asked Tony. "Yes you do Alex." I groans. I'll try to have fun. "Hey Hill." I watch Maria enter the jet. "Hi Barnes"

"Lab's all set up boss." She said to Tony. But he not the boss. Steve is the boss. "Oh actually he's the Boss. I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler" Tony has a huge ego.

Can I pop it? No. Okay. "What's the word on Strucker?" I forgot about him. Good he ain't nothing special. "NATO'S got him." Maria said to Steve." The two enhanced?" Steve asked Maria.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins. Orphaned at 20 when a shell collapsed their apartment building." There was a video on the tablet.

" There was a video on the tablet

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Im guess that them." Sokovia's had a rough history." Yeah it has. I was born in sokovia." It's nothing special but it's on the to everything special." I walk with Maria and Steve.

"Their abilities?" He should know. They have my powers. "He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis." Yup like me Steve.

"Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing. Telekinesis, mental manipulate. He's fast and she's weird." Damn I took offense to that. They have my powers.

"Well they're gonna show up again." The elevator door open" agreed. Files says they volunteered for strucker's experiments. It's nuts." Yeah it is. "Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?"

"We're not at war captain." Maria said to Steve. "They are" why. What the point. The elevator door closed.

I exited the elevator to the lab floor. "How's he doing?" Tony said before I can get it out my mouth. I need to know if my friend okay. "Unfortunately he's still Barton." I shake my head.

"That's terrible" so terrible. "He's fine. He's thirsty." I sat in a chair. "All right. Look alive Jarvis. It's playtime. We've only got a couple of days with this joystick."

"So let's make the most of it." I got out my chair and walk over to Tony. "Update me on the structural and compositional analysis." Can I beat someone with the scepter?

"The scepter is alien there are elements I can't quantify." Here I thought you can Stupid AI. "So there's elements you can."

"The Jewel appears to be protective housing for something inside. Sometime powerful." What can be more powerful then me.

"Like an reacted" Tony said." Like a computer." Then stupid AI Said. "I believe I'm deciphering code."

I went to go check on Clint." Is he going to be okay?" I hope so. I need my buddy." Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together." I laughed. "Yeah we really don't need you Clint."

"There no possibility of deterioration. The nano-moloecular functionality is instantaneous." I don't understand what Dr. Cho is say. "His cell don't know they're bonding with simulacra."

"She creating tissue." That sound kinda cool. "If you brought him to my lab the Regeneration Cradle could do this in 20 minutes."

Damn that kinda fast. But I would've use that. But I can heal myself." Oh he's flat-lining. Call it. Time?" Tony walk in. "Don't say that you going to hurt is feeling."I felt Clint punch my stomach.

"No no no I'm gonna live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic" I hope not. "Sorry Clint you can't live forever. I'm going to burn plastic version of you" Tony pass me and Clint drinks." Here you guys."

"You be made of you Mr Barton." Thank God. Can you imagine a plastic Clint? "Your own girlfriend won't able to tell the difference." You mean his wife. She doesn't need to know that. "I don't have a girlfriend."

"That I can't fix." I laughed. " Dam she can't fix that. She right who would  want to date you." Clint glared at me.

"This is the next thing Tony. Your clunky metal suits are gonna be left in the dust." She right. "That is exactly the plan and Helen I expect to see you at the party Sunday." I wish he forget a the party.

"Unlike you I don't have a lot of time for parties. Will Thor be there?" Sounds like someone has a crush on Thor. I wish someone like me. But I can only hope.

"Alex can I talk to you?" What did I do now."yeah you can" me and nat walk out the room. "Something wrong nat?"

"Are you okay Alex?" Did she ask me that. "Yes I am." Why she asking "It just you look tired. I just wanna to check up on you."

"I had a nightmare last night. I couldn't go back to sleep." It was a pretty scary nightmare. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head no.

"Well I'm here if you want to talk about it." She gave me a pat on the back. "Thanks nat. You are a good friend to me. But I'm going to make me some lunch."

"You are always hungry." I walk away from her. "Yeah I am." I yelled back to her.

Time for lunch.

The Ultimate Soldier¹ ~ Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now