I love you Wanda

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Alex Pov

It been a couple of years. Me and Wanda got a lot of closer for the past few years. Let just say me and nat forgot about me telling Wanda my feeling.

But I think my ready to tell her. "Hey Wanda. Why don't we walk to get some coffee?" I grab me and Wanda a jacket." Of course."

I took the long away there. "I thinks my feet are going to have blisters." Oh really." Told you to wear comfortable shoes." I stop walking because she was being slow. "Wanna piggyback ride." She nodded her head yes.

"Hop on." She jump on my back. She wrap her legs around me. Her arms were around my neck. Her head was next to mine. "I want to thank you bucky"

"Why is my nickname my middle name? And why are you thanking me for." I Said to her "because only I can call you bucky." You can call me bucky anytime. "I'm thanking you for is being there for me. I was grieving for lost of my brother."

"It meant a lot to me. Knowing you stay by my side. I can't thank you enough." I'll always be by your side." No problem wands. I'll do it all over again for you."

"You mean a lot to Wanda. More then you know." Wanda hop off. "What do you mean Alex?" It's now or never Alex.

"When I first saw you I thought you were cute. I never thought I'll fall for someone. But I did with you. I always thought I'll be alone. Never experienced love. You made it possible."

"I do anything to keep you safe. You mean the world to me. I don't want anyone else. I want you. What I'm trying to say. I'm in love with you Wanda." There she knows. Now's her turn.

She had a smile on her face." You mean everything to me too Alex." I walk close to her. I Lean down. She put one of her hand on my cheek.

I soon put her into a kiss. Her lips were so soft. You eventually broke a part because we need air. "So Ms. Maximoff will you be my girlfriend?"Please say yes.

"I will like to Ms. Barnes." I had a huge smile on my face. "I love you Alex." Wow. "I love you too Wanda. Now hop back on my back."

She definitely the one for me. We continue to the coffee show. We soon arrived. Held the door open for her. "Go sit." I waited in line.

Soon it was my turn. I ordered our regulars. The lady said she will call my name. I went to the table Wanda was at. "I think your brother will be proud of you."

"Why do say that?" Isn't it obvious. "Because you try to fix what you guys did. You should always use your powers for good. You and your brother should have been hero in the first place. Not enemy."

"He will be happy with where you are in life. I know what's I like to work withe the bad guys. I used to work with HYDRA. I hurt and killed a lot of people." I sigh.

"But avengers help me see the good inside of me. Something I feel like I'm going to slip about into being a bad guy. I don't won't."

I never wanted that. But it happened anyway. "Alex Your never going to be the Old you. Not when I'm around. I'll be here for you like you been here for me." I heard my name being called I went to get our order.

" I heard my name being called I went to get our order

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I went back to our table."here your order love." I pass her order. " Oh before I forget here." I pass her a red book with a black star.

"What is this." A book that should not fall into wrong hands. "It has my trigger words. When you say the word. I will be angry as hell. But I will know who I'm fight. So you guys won't get hurt."

I felt I could trust her with it. "Just don't let it fall in wrong hand. I trust you with it. Just keep it safe for me."

"Thank for trust me with this. So I will only use it during a fight." I watch her put it in her bag. We talked for the rest of the time.

We soon the coffee shop and head back to the compound. "I'm going to put my stuff in my room." She said as we exited the elevator.

I had to my room. I laid on my bed. I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I see nat enter my room. "You need something nat." I asked her when she sat on my bed.

"You and Wanda have a mission in the morning. You guys have to destroy a HYDRA base." When is HYDRA going to die out.

"Thanks I'll tell her. Oh by the way guess what." I said to her. "What." I sat next to nat. "Wanda's my girlfriend." She punch me in myside." really nat"

"Why didn't you tell were going to asked her out?" You need to hit me." I'm telling you now." I hit her back." And do ever hit or punch. I'll do it back."

"Sorry big baby." I'm going to kill nat in her sleep. "I'm not a big baby." I shook my head. "You sure acting like one."

"No I'm not." She left my room. "YOU'RE ACTING LIKE ONE!" I yelled to her. Don't every day I'm acting like a baby. I have feelings.

You wanna know something funny. So a couple a day a me and Wanda leave training. When I fell through a wall.

Turn a I can go through wall. But I'm not like microwave. I feel like he doesn't know how knock or open door.

Me I don't go through into people room without their permission. I knock on their door. Me and Wanda was watch a movie

Here come this fucker. Scared the fuck out of me. I think Wanda was piss about it. I think she was piss that he stay and didn't leave. I'll ask her about it.

I'll go ask her right now. " I left my room. I knock on her door. I heard a faint come in. I open the door to see and watching her favorite it sitcom.

"I see you are watching my presents." I bought her some DVD of her favorite sitcom. So she can feel at home. I sometimes join her. "Yeah thanks again."

"Can I ask you something?" I say down next to her. She pause the tv." Last week toaster man come into my room and stay and not leave during our movie night. Why were you piss about it?" I asked her.

"I was piss because I wanted it to be just you and me. But I didn't want to be mean. So I didn't say anything." She said to me. "You should have said something to make him leave. I hate him."

"I know you hate him. You say that everyday. I think I'm starting to not like him either. He everywhere. Just like yesterday he went through my wall just to talk to me."

"He could've knock. I hate it. I think someone need to talk to him. About that. What if I was having a private moment. I don't want him to see." Damn. I need to talk to Tony about toaster man.

"I'm sorry Wanda. Do you want me to use my power to create a barrier in your room. So he won't go through the wall in your room."

"You would do that for me." Anything for you Wanda."yup let do it."
I use my power to create a barrier in Wanda rooms. The glow from my hand went away.

"Let me see if it works." I left her room. I went to the Wall next tried to go through but couldn't. I tried to run into the wall.

Oh shit I left a dent in the wall. Ok that was a stupid idea. We will just buy a picture or something. "It work. But we will be buying a picture for the wall outside your room." Don't ask what happened.

"What did you do Alex?" I said don't ask Wanda. I sigh. I'll just tell her." I may or may not ran into the wall and left a dent in it. I just wanna to see if it work. So it works.

"Oh nat came to my room. We have a mission in the morning." We talking for a bit.

Time skip to night time

"It's getting late I should go to bed." I was about to leave her room. "Wait." I turn to her" stay the night." I nodded my head.

"Let me change into sleep close." I went to my room and change. I then when back to Wanda room. I see she already in bed.

I laid down next to her. She then cuddle into my body. "Night wands." I said has I closed my eyes. "Night bucky" I had a small smile on my face. I like it when she call me my middle name.

We soon both fell asleep. Tomorrow we have to get up early for a mission.

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