Safe House

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Take place after Tony and Bruce fight

Alex Pov

I was still in my wolf form. I was still by nat feet. We finally Tony and Bruce on board. We were fly." The new is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There's been no official call on banner's arrest but it's in the air." Hill said on radio.

Today has been horrible. I'm worried about my family. "The Stark relief foundation?" Tony asked. "Already on the scene." Today could have been a gone well. But no some asshole had to ruin it. I felt nat run her hand through my fur.

I was worry about her. "How's the team?" Maria said on radio. " Everyone's. We took a hit we'll shake it off." Tony said to Maria. I turn my head to look at Bruce. I'm worried about him too.

"Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here." Maria said on radio. "So run and hide." Tony said to Maria. "Still we can find Ultron I don't have a lot else to offer." Now what are we supposed to run.

Ultron will win if you run and hide. He need to be stop before people get hurt. "Neither do we." Tony said to Maria. He end his called with Maria.

"Hey you wanna switch out?" Tony asked Clint. "No I'm good. If you wanna get some kip now's a good time because we're still a few hours out." Clint said back to tony. "Few hours from where?" I was listening on Tony and Clint talking. "A safe house."

Time skip to the safe house.

We soon landed. We were at Clint house. I made myself small in my wolf form. We were walking up to the House. "What's is this place?" Thor said." Safe house." Tony said to Thor.

"Let's hope." Clint said as he open the door."honey? I'm home" Clint yelled. I see Laura. I ran up to her " who this cute?" She asked while petting me. "That Alex. She a shapeshifter. That not a dog. She a wolf." Clint said to Laura. "I'm so sorry Alex."

I'm not mad or upset. I'm liking the petting. Where are those kids. I sat down in the floor. "Company sorry didn't call ahead." Clint told Laura.

I'm tired, hungry, and in pain. " This is an agent of some kid." Tony said to Thor. Like what agent wife. I heard footsteps coming to us. That mean the kids are coming. Clint talk to his kids. "These are smaller agents." Really Tony.

"Did you bring auntie nat and uncle Alex?" Oh my god not this again. Screw you female gender. I'm a guy now. Like I said I'm both gender now.

To be honest. I like being called uncle instead of aunt. "Don't you hug her and find out? The wolf over there is Alex." When She said the last part. She pointed at me. Lila then came over to me and hug me.

"Why is uncle Alex a wolf?" Lila asked nat. "She a shapeshifter." Nat said to Lila. I then went over to cooper and head-butted his leg. He then pat me on my head.

I went outside. I need some fresh air. I soon going to need to turn back into a human. But not right now. I worry about this whole Ultron situation. People will lose their life. If we don't stop him.

I feel like I don't know what to do right now. I just feel like a failure. But I won't give up.

Steve and Tony were cutting wood. They were talking. While they were talk I was trying to sleep. I soon fell asleep

Time skip

"Ultron took you folks out to play to buy himself some time. My contacts all say he's building something." Fury was talking." The amount of vibranium he made off with. I don't think it's just one thing." Nick continue to talk.

"What about Ultron himself?" Tony asked fury. "Oh he's easy to track. He's everywhere. The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. It still doesn't help us get angle on any of his plan though." Fury said.

"Is he still going after launch codes?" Tony asked fury. "Yes he is but he's not making any headway." Fury said to Tony. "I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a date." Really Tony. I shouldn't be surprised.

"Well I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that." They were talking to long. I zone out. I then hear a plate being put in front of me. "Here I thought you would be hungry." Thanks Laura because I was. I Started to eat the food. It was so good.

Soon everyone went to slept. I slept downstairs.

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