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A/n:I change alex vibranium limbs. Her legs and one arm are is vibranium. She has one normal arm. It's for the story. And Alex powers are red color.

Alex Pov

We were on a mission. "All Right, what do you see?" Steve said on comms. I'm ready to get this over with. I was sitting at the table as Wanda."Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda said on comm.

I finish my coffee. "There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?" Steve said over comms. I grab on of Wanda hands. I gave her a smile. "Cameras." I sigh. "Getting bored Alex." Natasha said to me.

"Yeah I'm not the one to sit and waited. but I'll be fine." I said to Natasha. "Both cross streets are one-way." Steve said over comms. "So, compromised escape routes." Wanda said on comms. "You'll be fine baby." Wanda said to me.

"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out." I was playing with Wanda's rings. My Phone went off. I let go of Wanda hand. I pull my phone. I got a text from my friend Vince.

We should hang out later.

Metal Limbs:
Yeah it's been to long. We should go to that new Bar that open.

Of course. Well have fun.

Metal Limbs:
We'll talk later I'm on a mission.

I put my phone away. "You see that Range Rover Halfway up the block?" Me and Wanda looked over to the car. "Yeah, the red one? It's cute." Wanda said on comms. "It's not that cute. I know something cuter then that car." I had a smirk on my face.

"It's Also Bulletproof, which means private security. Which means more fun. Which means more headache for somebody. Probably Us." Nat said on comms while taking a sip of her coffee. "You guys know me and Alex can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda said on comms.

"I think they know Wanda." I said to wanda. "Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." Nat Said on comms. "Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam said on comms to nat. "Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?"

Sam I swear to God if you say anything. I'm breaking his wings. "Eyes on target, folks" thank you Steve. "This is the best lead we've had in Rumlow in six months 6. I don't want to lose him." Steve said on comms

"If he see us coming. That won't be a problem. He kinda of hate us." Sam said on comms. "He right. Rumlow not a huge fan of us. Let not die or get capture by him." I said on comms

"Sam see that garbage truck? Tag it" Steve said over on comms to Sam. We waited for Sam to tag the garbage truck."that truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed." I sigh. "It's a battering ram." Nat said on comms. "Go now. " Steve said on comms. "what?" Wanda asked on comms. "He's not hitting the police."

"Really then what is he going to hit then?" I said on comms. My eyes widen realizing what Steve meant. I used my super speed to get to the fight. I got my shield off my back and throw it at the arm bad guys.

I grab it when it flow back to me. I got my spear of my back. I Started hiting the bad guys with my spear. I got this spear from sylvie. She got it for my birthday. I miss her.

Fuck one of the bad guys grab the knife my pants. They made a cut across my eyes. Shit. I use my spear and throw it into their leg. I grab the spear from their leg. I felt blood drip down my face. I put the knife back into it holder. "Alex are you okay?" Steve asked over comms.

"No my face is bleeding. But don't worry about me. Worry about yourself." I said over comms. "Rumlow's on the third floor." Sam said over comms. "Wanda, just like we practiced." I said to her. "What about the gas?" Wanda asked me. "Get it out." I told her.

I super speed into the building. I throw my shield at the bad guys. I kick one to the ground. I grab my shield. Steve was next to me. They start to shoot at us. Steve started to beat one up.

We soon enter a room. "Rumlow has a biological weapon." Damn it. "I'm on it." Nat said on comms. I super speed to help nat out. I was next to her. "Nevermind I see you already dealt with them." I help her up. "You okay nat."

"Yeah thanks Alex." I checked her Wait any injury. "Sam. He's in an AFV heading north." Steve said on comms to Sam. "I got four. their splitting up."

I super speed over there. "I got two on the left." Nat said on comms. "I got the others two." Damn it. I found a vest on the ground."they ditched their gear. Its a shell game now. One of them has the payload." I said on comms.

But one of the bad guys throw a bomb on shield. I throw my shield in the sky. I watch it blow up. I felt one of the bad guys hit me in the back. "There you are, you son of a bitch." That hurt a lot. He walk over to me. "I've been waiting for this." He Punch me again. I got thrown back.

"He's doesn't have it. I'm empty." Sam said over comms. "Payload secure. Thanks Sam." Nat said on comms. Good. The bad guy tried to stomp on me. I quickly move out the way.

I got off the ground. I started to punch him. He tried to pouch me. But I kept on blocking him. He hit his head on my head. That fucking hurt. He punch me into the wall. "This is for dropping a building on my face." He said to me.

" I don't fucking regret it. You deserved it." I said to him. "I thought of building would look nice on you." I told him. He stab the wall behind me. I kicked him in the head. I walked over to him. He took his helmet off.

"Why I'm not surprise." I grab him by the vest. "I think I look pretty good, All things considered." He said. No he doesn't not. I just want to throw up after looking at his face.

"Who's your buyer?" I asked him."you know, you guys look the same." What the hell is he saying. "Your clone." I was pissed. " What did you say?" I. Going to fucking kill him. "It the first one you ever created. We took her under your nose. They change her.  She wanted you to know something. She said to me please tell my creator. When you gotta go" he pause." You gotta go." Fuck him fuck HYDRA.

"And you're coming with me." He pressed a button. But Wanda used her power and she throw him into the building. Oh no. "Oh, my" I just look at the building. "Sam we need fire and rescue on the south side of the building." Steve said on comms to Sam.

I super speed over to Wanda. I pulled her into my body. She started to cry. She fell asleep in my arms. "You talked her back to the compound."Steve said to me. I Picked wanda up and super speed back to the compound.

I put her in my bed. I took her shoes off. I was about to leave. "Stay please." I look at wanda. Her eyes were red from the crying. " Ok I will love." I laid down next to her. I pulled her into my body. We soon fell asleep.

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