Date Pt1

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Alex Pov

I woke up to make my teammates breakfast. I hear someone enter the kitchen. I look to see wanda." Morning
Love." She walk over to kiss me.

"Morning honey." I poured her a cup of coffee. "I was wondering if I could take you on a date. We haven't have a date yet." I was putting food on plates. "I would love too. What should I wear."

"Just casual clothes." Eventually everyone else join. "Morning guys." They said morning back. I poured myself coffee.

"I'm head back to my room." I put my coffee cup in the sink." You not going to eat." I shook my head no. "I already ate."

I super speed to my room. I was changing out of my pj into regular clothes. When my door open. I look to see wanda. "Sorry Ale-" I cut her off. "it's fine Wanda."

"You have a tattoo"she run her fingers over it. "Yeah it when we started dating." I put my shirt on. "When did you have time to get it?" I sat down on the couch.

"You were on a mission with nat. It was going to be a surprise for our date. But you already seen it." She had a sad smile." Sorry love." I kiss her on the forehead. "It's fine witchy." I had a smirk on my face.

"Really Bucky." I smile on face. "Yes witchy. I think it suit you." I really did. "Ok you can only call me that but if anyone else calls me that. Their dead." Wow she not playing.

Time skip

I was getting ready for mine and Wanda date. "Alex I'm ready." I see wanda step out the bathroom. "I'm ready to witchy." I grab me and wanda our jacket. We went to the elevator. "Can we walk to our date?"

"If you want we can." We soon left the compound. "Where are we going for our date?" Really."it's a secret. You can wait." She grab my hand."can I ask you something Alex?" I nodded my head yes.

"Did you think about having kids?" Wow. "Yeah I did. I just couldn't find the right one. What about you?" I asked back. "I do want kids. I want to have your kids. I love you Alex." I had a huge smile.

"Really you want my child. Like how many kids." I asked her. "Maybe one or two. Maybe three. I don't know Alex." I stop on some stairs. "You okay Alex." Wanda stop. "Yeah I'm fine. Just can't wait have kids with you."

We soon made it to place. I was taking to wanda too. "A diner." I open the door to the diner."yeah a friend of mine told me about it. He said it had good food." We enter the diner.

"Hey Alex." My friend Max. "Hey max.  Can we have a booth please." I asked max."here some menu. There an empty booth over there." I grab the Manu. We went over to the booth and sat down. "Order anything you like."

Max walk over. "Are you ready to order your guys drink?" I nodded my head yes. "I'll have a coffee and a Beer please." I went back to the Manu. "I'll have coffee too."

"I'll be back with your guys drinks. Figure out what you want to eat." I watch max walk away. "What are you going to eat. I'm think about getting club sandwich." I said to Wanda. "I might get waffles."

Max walk over to us. He put our drinks down. "Have you thought about what you want to eat?" He grab his pad out. "I'll have a club sandwich with fries and wanda will have waffles will whipped cream and fruit on top." I pass our Manu to max.

"Can I have extra whipped cream please?" Max nodded his head yes. "I'll be back with your guys food."  Max walk away. "Have you ever thought about quitting being an avenger?"

"No I never thought about it. Maybe one day. I don't know. How about you?" I asked back." I did. Maybe you and I will be together. Who knows."

Max came over to us with over food. "Here your food. If you need anything. Call me over." Max left us. We started eating our food.

Time skip

We made it back to the compound. " It was a nice date. We should do it again." I'm glad she likes it. "We should now watch a movie. I'll grab some snacks." Wanda left my room.

I turn on my tv. I hear my door open. I see Wanda walk in. "Steve told me to tell you that we have a mission tomorrow." I sigh. Can I have a week or month with no mission?

"Ok. Can I retire early from being a superhero." I was joking. "Really Alex." I had a smirk."let's walk the movie."

"Do you ever thought about having sex with me?" Oh. Did she really asked me. "Yeah I thought about it. I just didn't know if you were ready. But if you wand to make love. You just say so."

The movie was over. I was laying down. Wanda was naked. She walk over to me. She got onto my lap. I put my hands on her butt.

"I'm ready Alex"

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