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Alex Pov

I hear Maria and Steve talking. I join them. "Maximoffs. That makes sense he'd go to them. They have someone in common." Steve said. "Not anymore." Maria said.

She pass Steve the tablet she was holding. There was picture of Strucker dead. Damn.

"Barton might have something." Steve said to Clint. "Who's that." Steve said. As Clint just hung up the phone. "Girlfriend." More like his wife.

A short time later

"Can you please put a shirt on ms. no boobies lady?" Really nat. "I think you like to see my Abs. Really no boobies lady. Come on I get it I have no boobs. So no I will no wear a shirt."

"Your flat as hell Alex. You boobies size with to your ego. I'm starting to think your a male instead of a female." My ego not that big. Damn nat thinks I'm a male. "My feelings are hurt nat." I sigh. "No one cares about my feelings."

"What feeling." I was offended that nat said that. "I have feelings nat." The guys were talk about how Ultron killed Strucker.

"And he did a banksy at the crime scene just for us." Tony said." This is a smoke screen. Why send a message when you've just give a speech?" Nat was right. He could've done a speed and not kill someone.

"Strucker know something that Ultron wanted us to miss." Steve said. "Like what." What did he not want us to know? "Who knows Alex."

"Yeah I bet he... yeah." The computer beeps. It look like record were deleted. "So he deleted stuff." I said. "Everything we had on strucker's been ereased." Wow. Now we have nothing on a Dead guy. "Not everything." Steve said.

We were going through box of files. They started to talk about a guy who operates off the African coast. Black market arms.

"There are conversation. All right? You meet people. I didn't sell him anything." Steve glared at Tony. I look at a picture of the guy he scary.

"Where is this guy now?' Steve said. I think I stop listening. "We're leaving?" Steve nodded his head yes. "I'll go change in my suit." Shit pay attention Alex.

Location: salvage yard, African coast

"Ah Junior." Tony said as he laid in front of Me, Thor, and Steve. "You're gonna break your old man's heart." I look down at my chest to see it glow. What is wrong mind stone? This is the second time you done that.

I'll check it out later. "If I have to." Ultron said. He kinda annoying. "Nobody has to Break anything." Thor said. I move my eyes from Ultron to the female. Something inside me scream don't hurt her. For once I'll listen to me.

The female eyes look towards me. You can see a small blush on her face. She cute but she the enemy. I was always told to never fall for the enemy. But I want to with her. We soon broke eye contact.

"Greatly you've never made an omelet." Huh what does this have to deal with food." He beat me by one second." I'm confused. "Ah yes he's funny. Mr. Stark" the Pietro said. "It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?" The Pietro continue to talk. I look over the railing to see bomb. This is not good.

"Well this is bad." I said to no one particular. What are those bombs for? "This was never my life." Tony said. I want this to be over. "You two can still walk away from this." Steve said to the Maximoffs.

"I would If I was you." I said to them. "Oh we will." The Wanda said. Either dead or alive. Maybe capture. Who the hell knows? "I know you've suffered." Steve said the Maximoffs.

Ultron scoffs. Don't every do that again. Sound scary. I want to die after hearing that. you would to. "Captain America. God righteous man pretending you could live without a war." Can he stop talking?

"I can't physically throw up in my mouth but..." Thor cut him off. "If you believe in peace then let us keep it." Thor said"Thor right we don't have fight. We just want peace. It bad guys like you. That keep us from have peace. And it pissing me off."

"Either you stop this or I will. I'm not playing around." Before I can continue. Ultron attack Tony. No one hurts my family and get always with it.

I was attack a robot. Something snap inside me. I took at my hand to see black fur coming out. I'm shifting. I yelled in pain. I felt to the ground. I see blood around me.

I turn into a huge black wolf

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I turn into a huge black wolf. I howl and started attack."What hell is that?" They start running away from me. They ran through a doors. I ran through but I got stuck. A guy start to bashing me in the head with a gun.

I pick him up from the leg and throw him. I got myself unstuck. I look to the other side of the room to see bad guys. I manage to up over to the side. But I grab railing my paws. I use my hind legs to help me get over the rail. Let just say I fell on them.

It help their down. I seen my shield. I pick it up with my mouth and throw it. It hit a couple of guys. Maybe this was the best place to shift for the first time. Nat is luck I didn't do it in training.

I ran next to Steve. "Stay down kid." Steve turn my way." Woah you shift." I nodded my head yes. I couldn't talk in my form. "Maybe not the best place. But it helps." Steve padded my head.

I made my away over to Clint. I seen Wanda behind him. But he stuck an arrow to her head. " I've done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan." Me too clint. Me too.

I watch Clint get thrown out of window. Before I could do anything Pietro speed off with Wanda I went to check on Clint.

"Who's a good boy?" Oh my good. Fuck it I'm both gender then. At this point I don't care. We were with nat. " Natasha I could really use a lullaby." Tony said on comms. That not gonna happen. Not for a while. The whole team is down. You got no backup here." Clint said.

"I'm calling in veronica." Tony said on comms. Clint put nat on my back. " Come on." I walk slowly with nat on my back. We went back to jet. Clint put nat in a seat. I laid on the floor next to her feet. Everyone except Tony and Bruce was on the jet.

I'm not ready to see what my body looks like. When I shift back to human. I watch Steve place my shield against the wall. I was tired and in pain.

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