Chapter 27: back home

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Chase's POV
Me and rose waited for Violet to finish getting ready, today was our last day and we had our fight, but I shouldn't think about it too much. She got out and she was wearing this:

 She got out and she was wearing this:

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She said V: remember when you got me this dress when we first met?I nodded and said Y: yea I do, and you look gorgeous loveShe blushes and walks over to me and pecks me on the lips, rose said R: eew I'm gonna tell dad about this, and love is so ew

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She said
V: remember when you got me this dress when we first met?
I nodded and said
Y: yea I do, and you look gorgeous love
She blushes and walks over to me and pecks me on the lips, rose said
R: eew I'm gonna tell dad about this, and love is so ew.
We both laugh and she pouts. I changed rose quickly, this is what she was wearing:

 I changed rose quickly, this is what she was wearing:

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She walks out with violet behind her, rose says R: READY! And I'm also hungry, I want chips for breakfast!V: *laughs* no rose we're getting real breakfast okay, no chips

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She walks out with violet behind her, rose says
R: READY! And I'm also hungry, I want chips for breakfast!
V: *laughs* no rose we're getting real breakfast okay, no chips.
She frowns and says " but Bryce and Addison always give me chips for breakfast..."
I said " okay what if we do this, if you eat breakfast, I'll buy you chips, which ever you want, deal?" She nods and I picked her up and carried her, violet grabs the key card and says " oh chase we have to come back so we could check out." I nod and we head out.
We got to the restaurant where the tower of Paris is, we all ordered, I had the the pasta with red tomatoes, violet had the chicken Alfredo and rose the kids sandwich that had a side with fresh fries.
The food got here and we all ate.

Violet then gets a call from Bryce, " hey dad, what's up?" She hums and said " okay cane we finish eating? Because we took rose to get proper food." She then said " k sad love you bye, see you later" she hung up and we finished eating. Violet said " my dad called earlier that we have to leave, but he said he could wait so we can eat" I payed for the food and said " oh okay, I was hopeful to hang out more here but that's fine." She nods and I get my card back and we head out.

We ordered an Uber and violet was talking to her friend that lives here. She said bye to here and we got to the hotel.
We got out and walked up the lobby where our suitcases were packed already. Bryce got up and walked up to us and said " hey guys, I packed up for you, I didn't know if you wanted to change out of the clothes your wearing?" We all nodded and we walked up to family bathroom and we changed in there. I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, violet was wearing black crop top and shorts. She changed rose into her pjs, which were little dogs on her shirt and pants.

We walked out and it was getting dark already, we walked up to the bus and the driver closed the doors behind us, Bryce gave violet her breathing machine, I saw Griffin and I went in front of violet and held her hand, rose was with Bryce and Addison. I looked at griffin and he grabbed violets hand, she looked up at him and took her hand off of him.
Hey sorry for not updating, I have no motivation for this book anymore but thank you for the 37k reads it means a lot to me! I have been writing books and I have been wanting to post them but I want to finish them first before posting them but I have this big one that means a lot to me, because of how much work I put into it.

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