Chapter 2: The Hype House

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You wake up in jaden's room. you see him asleep and he has his arms around you. You try to get up but jaden pulls you back down. You say "jaden I have to go, in need to change" he lets go of you and then grabs your wrist and kisses you in the forehead. you go to the bathroom and change your tampon. you changed into black ripped jeans and a black tube top. you take out a little backpack and put your phone, air pods, charger, tampons, just in case, and extra pair of clothes. you go downstairs and put your backpack down on the kitchen table and jump on dad's back, we both fell and i got cut on my arm. Dad gets scared and he called griffin. griffin comes running and the cut was deep. He put me on the counter and started helping me with the cut. Griffin fixed it and put me down. It hurt a lot but i managed. He put on a bandage and a bandage wrap on.

Dad says "do you want go to hype house aka Thomas' house?" you nod and you wait for them to get ready. they all come and you go to the car. you get to the hype house and you run to the door. you hear dad say "dang chill out jeez" you laugh, you hear someone but you don't see anybody. you then see a ring and someone said "are you a fan?" you nod no and say "I'm Violet, Bryce's daughter" he then says "ok enter, is your dad here?" you say "yea there just trying to park, they let me come here" he then says "ok, come in" you open the door and see Thomas. you run up to him and hug him. he hugs you back and you say "I'm sorry, last time i came I was bit rude, but hi Thomas" Thomas says "hey, it's ok, saw you didn't feel good, so i just left you alone" you nod, Thomas then says "let's meet the others" you then see dad and and the boys. You see a guy looking at you and you smile.

You walk over to him and say "I'm Violet, Violet Hall" he gets up and says "I'm Chase, Chase Hudson. I like your name, all of the colors of purple are my fav" you blush and say "thank you" you hug him and he hugs you back. you let go and dad says "Violet, honey come here" you say bye to chase and go. You see a lot people outside and you get nervous. Jaden holds your hand and mouths "it's ok" you nod and say "Hey, I'm Violet" they all say hi and you meet everyone. you talk for awhile and then you wanted to use the bathroom, you ask Daisy "hey Daisy where's the bathroom?" she looks at you and says "Follow me" you grab your backpack and follow her. she shows you and she pushes you in a dark room and locks you in. you scream but nobody hear you you pull out your phone and call Thomas but no answer, you then call dad and no answer. you bang on the door and scream for help but it was no use. you just sit in a corner and cried.

you then hear a knock on the door and the person says "hey, um are you ok?" you noticed it was patty and went to the door and say "patty?" he then says "yea, Violet is that you?" "yea it's me Violet, daisy locked me in here please call for help, PLEASE PATTY!" you hear that he runs for help.

Patrick's POV

Violet says "yea it's me Violet, daisy locked me in here please call for help, PLEASE PATTY!" and you run for help, you tell all of the boys that are in the house(ALL OF THEM). we run to the room.

Violet's POV

you hear a lot of foot steps coming towards you and you hear dad say "Violet, we gonna get you out I promise" you then say "HELP ME PLEASE! JUST GET ME OUT ALREADY!" while sobbing. you close your eyes and hear the door fall down. you open your eyes and run to patty. you fall on the floor and patty catches you and hugs you. then all of the boys hug you. You just fell asleep on Patty.

Chase's POV

we knock the door down and Violet runs to patty. she falls but patty catches her. we all hug her. she fell asleep on patty's shoulder. you say "Bryce she fell asleep, Violet fell asleep" he nods and says "can you take her to your bed?" you nod, you slowly take her and carry her to my room. you put her in bed and she says "please stay with me" you nod and cuddle into her and fall asleep. you wake and see her still asleep. you get up and got changed.

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