Chapter 20: MATTIA!

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And it's your ex noen. He used to hurt you, abuse and rape you.
N: did you miss me princess?
Y: h-how did you find me?
N: that's none of your business, let's go home now.
Y: I'm not going.
Dad comes and says
D: violet who is this and why are you yelling?
Y: dad go, please
N: oh he's your new dad? Why didn't you tell me babe?
D: babe? I thought chase...?
Y: dad he's my crazy ex boyfriend noen
N: let's go now.
D: she's not going she said now leave
Noen leaves and you start crying, dad comes up to you and hugs you
Y: dad you could've gotten hurt
D: what do you mean?
Y: my last family he killed him and I was the one who got the blame for, I don't wanna see him again.
D: V look at me, look at me
You look at him and he says
D: nothing will happen to me ok, and if something does just remember that I'll always love you ok?
Y: dad I don't wanna lose you, if you die I go back to the center, I don't wanna go back they treated me like shit. They let me starve, the girls my age steal my clothes and wear them like if it was there's. I really don't wanna go back.
D: you won't I made Jaden the custody of you if something happens to me ok?
You nod and just crying in his arms, forgetting that you had makeup on, you didn't care. Dad carries you to your room and you both go on the bed and cuddle. Chase comes in and sees you, he runs up to you and says
C: what happened?
Y: nothing just go away.
You get out of dads grip and go to the bathroom, you lock the door and just start crying again. Someone knocks on the door and it's chase
C: V please come out, I'm worried your gonna cut yourself.
Y: chase leave me the fuck alone.
C: I'm not just gonna leave you just like that ok, I really wanna help you out. Just please come out, you don't have to talk to me now.
Y: I said leave me alone.
C: you can't shut me out violet.
Y: i can if I want to, now please just leave me to die.
C: what would Bryce do if you died?
Y: move on
C: that's not he works he'll stay in his room and never leave because that's how much he loves you, that's how much I love you

You get shocked and you don't say anything, you just open the door and kiss him, chase stops and says
C: I love you violet
Y: I love you too chasey
C: can I show you something. But you have to be laying down on the bed.
Y: ok?
You lay down chase comes up to you and starts tickling me
Y: c-chase s-stop! Hahahahaha stop!
He stops and you say
Y: I'm gonna get you back.
C: sowy
Y: it's ok but I'm still gonna get you back.
You guys lay down and then you say
Y: wanna go somewhere?
C: sure but where?
Y: I don't know somewhere
C: sure, do you want ant and Avani to come like as double date?
Y: sure, I'll just go ask my dad if we both can and I'll go to avani's so she could ask her's
C:I'm coming with you
Y: fine let's go then
C: what about your makeup it's all ruined
Y: forgot I'll be right back
You do the makeup again and walk out, you and chase go to your dads room first. You knock and mom opens it
M: hey honey
Y: hey mom, is dad here?
M: yea he's in the shower right now do you wanna wait for him or...?
Y: we could wait, thanks mom
Dad comes out and he smiles, you smile back and say
Y: dad can me and chase go out, we're gonna ask vani and ant could come so we don't have to be alone?
D: sure, just call me if you need a ride back home.
You nod and walk out you knock on vani and ant's room and you hear a lot of shuffling and Avani saying but whispering
A: ant put your underwear and pants on
You and chase giggled not so loud that they can hear you, ant opened and said
Ant: hey, what's up?
He says out of breath, you laugh a little and say
Y: do wanna hangout with us? Like you vani me and chase?
Ant: uh yea, just let us get ready.
Y: ok me and chase are going to our room but when your done come to our room.
He nod and, you and chase walk away laughing. You opened the room and lay down, you say
Y: chase when do you wanna have sex with me?
You say with a smirk, he comes up to you and says
C: what about now?
Y: sure.
He starts kissing you and you kiss back, few minutes later he goes on your neck and start kissing and sucking on your neck, you quietly moan, he starts going down to your boobs, he looks at you if it's ok and you nod. He takes of your crop top(you don't have a bra bc that shirt doesn't need on, I bought it and you don't need it) he starts leaving hickeys all around your boobs, he starts to get lower and he looks at you again and you nod. He slowly took of your pants and then your underwear, you open your legs and he starts licking you. You moan quietly and he goes deeper, he then takes off his underwear and pants and he puts his dick in my pussy, slowly. He starts to fast and your moaning, it feels good when your doing it with him, you then say
Y: chase go faster.
He goes faster and it feels so good, he goes faster
Y: fuck chase!omg!
you start to moan loud, you feel tightness in your stomach and say
Y: c-chase I-I'm gonna c-cum.
C: hold it princess
You nod and he goes every faster, you hold your moans and you couldn't hold it, you let go and say
Y: I'm sorry chase I had to I couldn't handle it.
He stops and cleans it up
C: it's ok baby, just clean this for me
He meant by licking my own cum, that's ok
Y: can you deep throut me thought?
He nods and you start licking his dick, you start to deep throut him and he starts to moan, I stop and say
Y: you deep through me, I go on the wall while you deep throut me ok?
He nod and you walk to the wall closest to the bathroom and he starts, it feels so good but I know how dad is gonna hate me, put we love each other, nothing can separate us. We stop and we are both out of breath. You guy change before Avani and ant come, chase is in the shower while I clean up the mess we made. When he was done he can out like this

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