Chapter 23: Don't Listen To

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(This chapter contains smut so, if ur a child of god I would rather you read till I say u could so yea so sorry)

Jaden was still holding her, she didn't even move, I know how much she missed him a lot, Jaden carries her to the van and I walk behind them, I told Jaden he could stay with her so she can spend more time with him.

Jaden's POV
Chase let me stay with violet, she really missed me, but I don't know if she wants to spend a whole day with me, I mean she just got her best friend back l, thanks to Anthony and Avani. Rose was sitting right next to griffin, he was telling her something, she looked mad and sad at the same time, I told violet I'll be back and said to rose
Y: rose what did he tell you?
R: nothing, it wasn't important.
Y: come here
She stands up and I carry her to a different seat and said
Y: what did he tell you
R: he told me that violet never loved me ever since I met her at jump around... she's the reason I'm here, and she never even loved me, I should go home to my parents instead...
Y: no, hey look at me, none of that is true ok, griffin and violet right now are not in good terms, he's just making you feel bad that's all he's doing, don't listen to what he's saying ok? Violet loves you so does everyone else besides griffin.
She nods understanding, she hugs me and says
R: you should let chase and violet hangout today, they've been here to much with us, tomorrow it will be just of me her and you. Is that ok with you?
Y: yea, I understand and no I'm not sad, chase has been stressful while violet has been laying down on that hospital bed, I think they deserve to be hanging out, I'll be back I'll tell chase that he can hangout with her.
R: ok I'll be here.
You walk up to chase and say
Y: why don't you and violet hang out it's been a while since you two hangout.
C: are you sure? I mean I would love to but you just got here?
Y: chase it's fine, I'll be hangout with rose.
C: ok, did you already tell her?
Y: no but can go you tell her, rose is waiting for me and I don't want griffin telling her lies.
C: sure
Violet's POV
Chase walks up to you and says
C: come on let's go somewhere
Y: where?
C: maybe a hotel so we could you know...
Y: let's go.
C: take a lot of clothes, comfy clothes and shoes.
You grab your bags and told dad you and chase will be staying at a hotel, he let you go. Chase orders an Uber, Lexie comes up to me and says
L: where are you going missi?
Y: going to a hotel with chase, why?
L: no reason, just be careful
She whispers this part
L: use protection...
Y: we aren't, we wanna have a family and that's what we want.
L: kk, just know I'm always here for you both ok?
You nod and chase says
C: uber is here
Y: ok I'll be there in a sec
Y: bye ass
L: bye bitch, I love you
Y: love you more
You walked to the Uber that chase went and sat next to him.
~skip to the hotel~
When we got to the hotel we got a room and we ran to the elevator before the door closed, when we got in there were two buff men, they were flirting with me, I hold chases hand and one of them said
?:honey is that you Diana?
Y: what are you talking about? I'm sorry you must of mistaken someone else.
?: you look just like her, no you are her, come here honey.
The elevator opens and you just walk out.
If you guys are not into this don't read this part I'll tell you when u could read out that will take long sooo sorry, my child's of god

You guys find your room and just run to the bed, chase looks at you and you kiss him. Chase takes off his shirt and you take of your top. He kisses you in the neck and finds your sweet spot and you moaned, you take of your bra and chase starts sucking on them, it felt so good. Chase takes off your sweats and rubs your clit it feels so good, you say
Y: I just wanna feel you in me chase
C: are you sure?
Y: mhm
C: k princess
Chase takes off his pants and underwear, he slowly takes off mine, I open my legs and he starts licking me, I softly moan and he stops, he grabs his dick and puts it in, he start slow and then fast, I moan and it feel real good. Chase stops and lays down I get up and pound on him, he groans and I feel a knot in my stomach, I say
Y: chase I-I'm gonna cum
C: me too, hold it in, just a bit more.
Y: ok
You go faster and it hurts, you keep going until I stop and cum.
(⚠️😁end of smut ⚠️ 😁)

You get this so you can shower
(Without the bag)

You go in the shower, once you where done you did your hair like this

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You go in the shower, once you where done you did your hair like this

You changed and once you were done you walked out chase went in, you where on your phone when people started to tag you in a post on insta ---------------@imgriffinjohnson

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You changed and once you were done you walked out chase went in, you where on your phone when people started to tag you in a post on insta

You changed and once you were done you walked out chase went in, you where on your phone when people started to tag you in a post on insta ---------------@imgriffinjohnson

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Liked by hater.of.violet and 1,000 other more
imgriffinjohnson: I wish someone never entered our life's and change it... she's just a nobody... oop #shewasamistake

Hater_123:@violet.hall this u?
Fanofviolet: griffin ur so rude, @violet.hall don't listen to him.
jadenhossler: griffin just stop being rude isn't funny, you can make them feel bad abt themselves.
brycehall: vi, don't listen to him ok, ft me when you see this...
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