Chapter 6: She Lost Jaden...

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Everyone looked at you heart broken, especially Kouvr. Kouvr is like a mom to me, she's always there for me when I need her. But right now I don't need anyone.
D:yea hon?
Y: can we go back home please? I don't want be here. I just don't want you guys to see me hurt when you guys are hurt, especially you Kouvr. I'm sorry. Quinton can you pack up my stuff in my room please?

Chase was still carrying me, I put my face on his neck and Jaden took me away from him. I wanted to be with chase but right now I don't think he needs me. He deserves to be happy with someone else.

Quinton came back with my suitcase and we walked out. It was cold so Jaden covered me up with a blanket and just let me cuddle him. Nun of the boys except Jaden, griffin did it only once but after that it's been Jaden.we get in the car and drive back home watching "free rein" on Jaden's phone. When you got to the house you and Jaden go to his room and you say
Y: jay I can sleep in my room, you know that right?
J: yea but after that I don't trust anything or any stranger.
Y: jay I'm fine ok, I can sleep in my own room.
J: no stay here!
You get scared and just lay down in his bed. You remember your birthday is in a month, October 7th. Mom used to throw me this big party when I had friends. You start crying a little. Jaden walks in and you wipe your tears away. Jaden came up to you and you see he's holding something, a little box. He hands it to you and you see one of those locks where it has a picture and this is the picture

 He hands it to you and you see one of those locks where it has a picture and this is the picture

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(Imagine it's u)
You cry and hug him.
Y: thank you so much jay.
J: your welcome V. I'll be back I need to help something with ant.
You nod and put it on. You got to his closet and get this hoodie

You secretly went to your room and change into shorts and run back to Jaden's room

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You secretly went to your room and change into shorts and run back to Jaden's room. He wasn't there yet so you decided to sleep.

Jaden's POV
You help ant with the food he bought and when you were done, you went back to your room and you see V asleep. You smile and you lay down with her, she turns around and she cuddles with you. You say
Y: night V
And fell asleep. You wake up to sound downstairs. You get up and grabbed the bat in your room. You slowly and quietly walked downstairs and saw Bryce
Y: what the fuck Bryce I thought you were someone else.
B: someone else is in the house, you have Violet in your room right? I checked if everyone's in there room and they are but not Violet.
J:yea she's in my room.
B: ok let's fine out who is in the house.

You nod and you start checking the house house with Bryce and in violet the was two people in the room, the masked guy... and Violet! You see her sobbing.
MG: look they finally found you!
B: why do you want her?!
MG: because she's beautiful, and she's gonna be useful for something.
MG: why should I? Uh!
Y: Actually take me instead of her, she way more damaged than me, trust me.
He had her tied up in a chair from her neck, wrists, and ankles, she also had something in her mouth so she can speak even though she can't.
MG: fine,no pranks
He lets her go and and she runs up to me. She looked at me trying to say " please don't go" you said to her
Y: V I want you to know that I love you, ok don't ever forget that, I don't want you to worry about me, I'll be fine ok, I love you with all of my heart. Never forget about that, I don't care if you stay in my room, take it ok. If I don't come back just know I'll always love you.

You kiss her forehead and she sobs more. She hugs you and doesn't let go. Bryce grabs her and me and the guy walked out I can still hear her crying. You hear foot steps and see it's V. You run up too her and hug her and say
Y: bye princess, I love you.
And kiss her in the mouth and forehead. And let go of her bryce holds her back and we walk out.

Bryce's POV

Violet tries to get out of my grip but I hold on to her, I accidentally let her go and she tries to find Jaden, she found him and he ran up to her and gave her a hug, and said
J: bye princess, I love you.
And kisses her in the mouth and forehead. And he let go of her and I hold her back and they walked out.she started crying and then sobbed. She hugged me like if I was Jaden. You picked her up and take her to Jaden's room. You put her in bed and she just cried.

You go downstairs and see everybody there. You say
Y: Jaden saved her life, and now he's gone.
You actually started crying and the boys too. We all went back to our rooms and got a notification from Thomas
T: hey is everything ok? Violet just texted me saying if I could pick her up?
Y: hey Thomas, no everything is a disaster, she lost Jaden, a few minutes ago.
T: what do you mean she lost Jaden?
Y: the guy that shot her came back but Jaden wanted for the guy to take him instead of violet

What happens next?

He guys, I hope you had a wonderful day! Plz tell me if u guys want picture of the day?!

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