Chapter 9: She's Ugly

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You you entered the bathroom and walked in the girls bathroom. You walk in a stall and and do your business, while that happens the lights turn off. Odd, you put on your underwear and skirt back on, and flushed the toilet. You walked out of the stall and turned on the lights and saw the guy when he took Jaden, you get scared and he pins you to the wall. You were right next to the door so you tried to open it and it was locked. He started choking you and you begged him to not do it. He stopped choking you but started kissing your neck leaving hickeys, you pushed him off and he got mad, that was a bad mistake. You hear a knock on the door and it was Kio
K: hey is everything ok in there?
Y: yea I'll be out in a minute
K: ok harry up

The guy leaves through the window and you look in the mirror and see the hickeys, you remembered that you had your makeup in your bag, you put the makeup on the hickeys and they were disappearing. When you were done you put the hoodie on and walked out. You sat back down an the food comes. You all start eating and talking. Few minutes later a group of girls only four come over and one of them said
?: can we take a picture with all of you... minus the girl?
D: um sure but why not the girl?
?: because she's ugly
You felt pain and tears but you didn't let them fall
Y: dad it's ok, I'll just go to the car
You grab your stuff and your car keys and walked out the the car. You open the car and got in the back. You started sobbing.

Bryce's POV

Violet walked out and the girl said
?: so that picture
Y: oh uh right
The girl takes the picture and the rest of the girls do the same, once they left you pay of the food and walked to the car. You opened the car and see Violet sleeping in the back seat, her eyes looks like she's been crying. Those girls hurt my daughters feelings. Everyone gets in the car and chase puts violet on his lap, I didn't mind. Once we got home, chase takes her up to her room and came back down stairs. He says
C: am I staying here or going back?
Y: you can stay here I'll text Thomas
He nods and goes back upstairs

Chase's POV

You walk back up stairs and go to Violets room.

What happens next?

Hey Bebes! I hope your having a wonderful day

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