Chapter 22: Lexie

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still chase's POV

Y: I don't know, oh the boys left including Jaden they went back to LA, ant is gonna adopt a girl from the same orphanage.
B: yea, hopefully Jaden comes back, and the boys with the new girl...... Wait do we have her room ready?
Y: yea we do, all she needs to do is unpack herself but since she's coming here then she doesn't have to do anything.But there gonna bring us extra clothes also for violet so if she doesn't wanna wear the robe from here she can just change into her clothes.
B: ok but ask the doctor if she can do that ok?
Y: ok I'll be back

you walk out and go to the elevator to go to the first floor, you got in and pressed the button that has the number one on it, the door closes and it goes down. You see the nurse that was with violet and went up to her and said
Y: excuse me but I was just asking if violet y'all can change to her clothes, my friends are bringing her clothes so she could change but I was just wondering if she could.
N: yea she can, I can ask the doctor if she can like go outside so she can enjoy her stay here in Vegas, I will head up to the room when I have an answer.
Y: ok thank you.
You walk back to the elevator and waited, there was a ding and the sliding door of the elevator opened, I walked in and went in. Once I got back to the room I saw violet awake but no Bryce. I smiled at violet and said
Y: Jaden is coming back, are you happy?
She nods, she grabs her phone and types something in, she handed me her phone and I read it out loud
Y: my friend from the orphanage is coming to see me! I'm so happy to see her!
I wish she could talk... there was a knock on the door and I said
Y: come in
It was the nurse she smiled and said
N: she's aloud to go outside, she just needs to be careful, no tube or anything but that's all.
Y: ok thanks, oh what about the clothes thing? Can she wear shoes for both her feet or just one?
N: oh she's also fine but she can't wear anything heavy like jeans and stuff like that, so like leggings and a light t-shirt would be good, she can wear two shoes if she wants. She does have to take crutches just in case, I need to go but have fun. Not to much fun.

Violet giggles a little and the nurse walks out. Bryce comes in with clothes for violet. This is what he brought her

Some nurses helped out and she was ready to go, she had her shoes on and she had her crutches and was ready to go, we walked out and she was struggling a bit

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Some nurses helped out and she was ready to go, she had her shoes on and she had her crutches and was ready to go, we walked out and she was struggling a bit. She sat down and and I gave her a piggyback ride she smiled. I continued to walk when Jaden came in, when he saw violet, he ran, I put her down and Jaden hugs her. Mattia also came and checked up on her. You see a girl right next to ant, that must be his new daughter. Violet saw her and she ran to her not carrying about her ankle, the sees her and she also starts running. They hug each other. I walked up to them and violet looks at me and says softly
V: chase this is Lexie my best friend from the orphanage, Lexie this is Chase my boyfriend.
Lexie's looks at me and smiles and says
L: hi chase, I'm Lexie as you already know
Y: hi Lexie, I'm chase as you already know.
V: jeez don't you know how to talk?
We laugh a little and then violet jumps on my back.
Y: feel better already?
V: no my ankle just hurts because I ran
Y: oh yea I forgot...
V: chase it's ok.
You walk out the hospital and go in the van that the boys came with, when you got in you saw griffin. He looked at violet and me, he just laughed a little. Bryce saw and says
B: got a problem griffin?
G: no
B: then why were you being rude to violet and chase?
G:because I can
B: actually you can't
G: Bryce look, doesn't mean violet isn't your real kid doesn't mean that I love her. She's had multiple problems because of her stupid clumsiness and still managed I get a boyfriend, like isn't that dumb, oh and also she had a horrible father that killed his own wife, tragic right? Not to much, daisy is right maybe she just wants the attention. And as of her " biological" brother here, he probably wants her back to go fuck her anyways so might as well to let her go and let him take her.
Violet was speechless, tears were forming in her eyes. She got off me and went to the farthest seat in the back. I followed her and said
Y: baby don't listen to him, ok he doesn't know what he's talking about.
V: how am I not supposed to listen to him when he completely offended my mom and said I was fake, and that I'm stupid and clumsy, and that my brother was rapist just like my biological father, chase how am I not supposed to not listen to him?
C: everything he said is not true, he just wants you to feel bad, trust me I've been there and I'm not letting you hurt yourself just because of his words, if you died I would die with you, no matter what I'll always love you for who you are and wouldn't care anything about your bad past.
V: chase you don't get it, my whole life I've been raped and abused, you don't know how that feels, getting fucked by 40 year olds or a 17 year old, it's hard ok, my life is fucked up and maybe it should stay that way.
She runs out the van and I run after her. Jaden has her in his arms, thank god he's here.

What happens next?
Sorry bebes for not posting for a long time, school has taken over me and I haven't had time to update, I hope u liked this chapter, sorry it's kinda sad.

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