Chapter 15: Road Trip

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B: yea sure just let me put the girls in the movie room and we'll talk
C: ok, thanks
You walk in the movie room and set violet and Addison down, rose falls asleep in between Addison and Vi
I walk out and chase says
C: so um I like your daughter and I was just asking if I could take her out
Y: of course you my full permission, just don't do funny business or then I won't let you come to the house or see her...
You hear a thud in movie room and run, you see violet awake and you see that she fell you run up to her and say
Y: vi what are you doing?
V: I need to pee... really bad and I forgot that I had my cast on and so I fell, and how did I get here?
Y: rose wanted to sleep with you and Addison so she basically begged me to somehow sleep with you guys so I bring here
She nod and says
V: can I go to the bathroom?
Y: yea let's go, chase we can talk when I come back ok?
C: yea it's fine
V: finish talking about what?
Y: it's boy problems I don't think you wanna hear about that, do you?
She nods no and I take her to the closest bathroom. She does her business and yells for help, you come in and see her sitting down in the toilet with her shorts and underwear down, she's covering her private part at least
V: dad um can you please help me put on my clothes I c-can't stand up for some reason or like at least help me up so I could put it on?
She said nervous and shy
Y: sure baby
You help her up but look somewhere else when she was done I took her downstairs and she's already asleep on me, I put her down and she says
V: please stay mom, I don't want you to leave me again
She's having a dream of her mom, you sigh and say
Y: vi it's me dad Bryce I'll be back ok honey?
V: ok but please come back mom... I just don't wanna lose you
She thinks I'm her, it's fine she misses her mom like I miss my mom even though I haven't lost her for good. You walk out and see chase, he says
C: um I also wanna ask for your permission, can I ask her to be my um...
Y: your girlfriend?
C: yea...
Y: of course just please don't treat her wrong, she was just having a dream of her mom and I don't want her to be you next time ok, for my and her sake?
C: sure Bryce anything for you and her. You don't know how much I love her ever since we met, she's kind, loving, supportive, and cares about people and that's what I love about her she's just amazing, even though she's not officially yours, you treat her like if she was there your whole life and when I first met here she was the most beautiful thing I saw, she was shy at first but then opened up to everyone quickly, she's everything i needed, she opened me up, as i was in dark shell that i couldn't get out of but she opened it.
Y:yea I know how your feeling, and yes you can date my daughter and yes you can take her out just let me know and I'll take you there ok?
He nods and says
C: thank you Bryce I really appreciate it
You nod and walk in the movie room and you don't see the girls, none of them, you start screaming there names and you heard giggling behind the furniture, you smile and quietly walk over there, you see three heads and and you scare them
Y: boo
You all laugh and you hear footsteps coming towards you, you see the door swing open and you see the boys with bats. You all laugh again and they look at you guys weird
Y: guys they tried to scare me but I scared them
You see them laughing there asses off and few minutes later you all fell asleep but you and violet
V: dad can we go somewhere?
Y: where though?
V: a place where you haven't taken me, but it has to be a surprise
Y: ok but we're gonna take the girls and chase, ok like a family ok?
She nods and she wakes up chase and I wake up Addison but carry rose since she didn't wanna wake up. You all walk out quietly and get in the car, you decided to take them to Vegas, you knew violet would ask you that so you packed them clothes and I called Patrick to pack chase clothes, I started driving, it's been two hours and I'm still driving, I'm starting to get tried, I see a gas station and stop there, I put gas and walk into the store and buy energy drinks and snacks for everybody when they wake up. I walk out and get in the car, I start the car and keep driving, there's only few minutes left, you see everyone waking up and violet can see the Vegas sign and smiles big.

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