Chapter 16: No Can Do

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Chase's POV
I hear violet crying and knocked on the door
V: chase I said leave me alone
Y: tell me what's happening... please
The door opens and you walk in and close it, she says
V: that girl she was so rude to me and the fact that she thought I was a fan of yours, she shoved me down she pushed me away like I was a nobody. Maybe I deserve to be back at the adoption center, or with my actual dad if he was alive.
Y: no don't say that ok, you deserve to be here I'm glad I met everyone is glad they met you you changed there live and we're happy about that, just don't ever say that ok?
She nods and hugs me, I hear quiet snoring and you see that violet's asleep, you sigh and carry her to the bed and take off her shoes. You though of changing her but I wanted her to do it so I woke her up
Y: hey put some pjs on
V: you do it
You nod and look for some comfy clothes

You put them on her and she saysV: thanks chaseyY: no problem princess She smiles and I give her a kiss in the cheek, I changed and put the "do not disturb" sign in the front of the door, I lock it and went to lay down with violet

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You put them on her and she says
V: thanks chasey
Y: no problem princess
She smiles and I give her a kiss in the cheek, I changed and put the "do not disturb" sign in the front of the door, I lock it and went to lay down with violet. I fell asleep in seconds

Violet's dream
I was walking around Vegas when chase called me
Y: hey chasey, what's up?
?: give me ten thousand dollars and I'll give him back to you and if you don't there will be consequences
The person hangs up and your crying you run to the bank, you get ten thousand dollars and send a message saying
Y: send me your location, I have the money
?: good girl, the address is ( what ever u want it to be)
Y: I'm on my way
You tell your Tesla to come because you forgot where you parked, few minutes later you car stops and you get in and start driving to the location
When you get there you ran in and see nobody you start crying again and you hear a voice
?: where's the money?!
V: you look around again and you see a guy holding a gun to chase's head
Y: it's here
You throw then bag and say
Y: let him go, you have your money
He lets go of chase and you ran to him and hugged him, you hear a gun shot and you look at chase and he was the one that got shot, he falls on the floor and say
Y: NO! Chase, chase look at me please, CHASE! CHASE! LOOK AT ME PLEASE!
You checked if he was alive but he wasn't you screamed you lungs out and ran to the guy and started slapping him and saying
He grabs you wrist and says

Chase's POV
You hear that violet's screaming your name and you quickly woke up you started shacking and saying
Y: Violet wake up, it's just a nightmare, VIOLET!
She wakes up and hugs you while sobbing, she calms down and says
V: I thought I lost you
Y: Violet you will never lose me,ok no matter what happens you will never lose me
You hug her while laying down and you both fell asleep.

Violet's POV
You woke up and it's 9:00am, you got up and took a warm shower, you got changed into this

Violet's POV You woke up and it's 9:00am, you got up and took a warm shower, you got changed into this

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