Chapter 13: Violet This Is Addsion my...

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You start drying your self up with a towel and and put you hoodie back on and just leave your pants in your bag that you took...

You start drying your self up with a towel and and put you hoodie back on and just leave your pants in your bag that you took

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You start packing up, when you were gonna pick something heavy your ankle started hurting. You sat down and chase came up to and said
C: you don't have to help you know that right?
Y: yea I know but I wanna help
C: no your not helping, let's get your feet cleaned so I can put your shoes on.
You nod and he carries you to the "showers" that are outside the bathrooms, there mainly to rinse off, chase cleans my feet and walk back to where we are. He helps me and everything is all packed up now, chase carries me until fans came up to us and they knocked me out of chase's arms, they crowded chase and chase sees me on the floor fight across from me, he picks me up and Hollywood Fix asked us some questions
(HF- Hollywood Fix)
HF- are you and chase together? The fans wanna know
C: no we aren't, we're just best friends
HF- Violet how does it feel to have Bryce hall as you dad?
Nobody knew about that unless dad posted something, but he wouldn't do it without my permission first. Chase stops walking and you say
Y: it's really great, he's loving and just the sweetest, I'm glad to have him as a dad, and I love him so much Including everybody I know, Jaden, griff, Anthony, Thomas, chase,everyone I love them all so much.
HF: Chase would you date Violet?
C: um I'm not gonna answer that, we will talk about that in the future.
HF: Violet last question, when you first met Bryce how did you feel?
Y: I felt nervous at first because I didn't know anybody except my friend Blake but then I got over it and I'm here now having the best life ever, I love being with my new friends and I'm just so happy that I'm here with them right now, if I wasn't here I would still be at the adoption center, I'm glad my and my dad have a connection, we will always love each other no matter what, if we have big fights or we have the time of our life, we would always make it up to each other.
HF: wow ok, well I hope you guys have a good rest of the day
Y&C: you too bye
Chase continue to walk to the car and we got in, dad said
D: damn my baby already getting paparazzi
Y: dad are you jelly?
D: no... maybe... yea
You all laugh and dad drives off, you see that dad isn't going to the house, mhm something is go in on
Y: dad were are we going?
D: where going to one of my friends house.where gonna pick her up
You nod and fell asleep.

Dad wakes you up and says
D: hey where home, come on
Y: where's you friend?
You say in a raspy voice
D: she's in the house come on.
Dad carries you out and you walk in and see her, she smiles and dad says
D: honey we have to talk
Y: ok, about what?
D: let's go to my room, Addison you coming?
She nods and we walk upstairs and go into dads room, dad lays me down on the bed and they sit In front of me. Dad says
D: ok umm, Violet this is Addison your mom, she my girlfriend
You smile big and Addison looks just like my real mom, her name was also Addison. Your smile fades and you say
Y: you look just like my mom and you even have the same name as her, I'm glad to have you as a mom, mom
Addison smiles big and hugs me, I hug her back, I look at my ankle and it's not swollen, you tried to walk but you fell down
Y: oww, can we go to the hospital please mom and dad?
M: sure honey
Dad carries you downstairs and chase sees you
C: hey where are you going?
Y: hospital my ankle hurts so bad
C: ok I'm coming with you, is that ok Bryce?
He nods and rose comes to. We all go to the car and dad starts the car.

What happens next?

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