Chapter 11: SURPRISE!

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Still Chase's POV

The hug for a while and Violet stopped crying, when Bryce says
B: do you still wanna do that surprise?
V: yea but I forgot to get blankets because we don't have enough here
B: ok let's all go to target
She smiles and she nods, she grabs my hand and we all walk out to Bryce's car, we get in the car and Violet sleeps since she's tired. When we got to target, we got Starbucks to wake us up and we got blankets and more snacks, me and violet got matching onesies

 When we got to target, we got Starbucks to wake us up and we got blankets and more snacks, me and violet got matching onesies

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(Stitch is chase and angel is violet)

We go to check them out and Bryce pays we walk back to the car and drive off, once we got to the house we went to the movie room and moved the furniture into one corner, violet kicked us out so she could surprise us and the boys.

Violet's POV

I kicked the boys out and started. Once I was finished I took a picture this is how it turned out

You come out of the movie room and sayY: it's ready but we have to wake the boys upYou see the front door open and see Jaden, you start to cry and run up to him and up in his arms like this

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You come out of the movie room and say
Y: it's ready but we have to wake the boys up
You see the front door open and see Jaden, you start to cry and run up to him and up in his arms like this

You come out of the movie room and sayY: it's ready but we have to wake the boys upYou see the front door open and see Jaden, you start to cry and run up to him and up in his arms like this

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(That's the beach but I couldn't find any that was in house so let's just pretend it's in the house)

You start crying, you calmed down a bit and say
Y: jay is it really you?
J: it's me baby ok your fine I'm here
You look at him and smile you just hugged him for hours. Jaden says
J: I should go change V
Y: let come with you please I just miss you so much
J: ok fine let's go
You look at dad and chase and say
Y: the boys up but do not go in if I see one of you in there I won't talk to the for the rest of the day.
They both nod and we all got upstairs and went separate ways, when we got to Jaden's room, Jaden puts me down on the bed and grabs his clothes and walks to his bathroom. Few minutes later he walks out without a shirt and just sweats, Jaden is back, and I'm happy. Jaden says
J: are you ready to go?
Y: yea I'm ready jay just lemme take off my boots and I'll be there you can go ahead
He nods and you walk to your room.

When you got there you take off your boots and jacket, you put them back in the closet and walked back downstairs, you see all of the boys awake and none of them are missing, there was a knock at the door and it was Blake, Alex, Kouvr, and Thomas. Once you see Blake your smile fades, you walk away and go to the living room. You hear footsteps coming torwards you and you see it's Blake
B: can I please talk to you without fighting
Y: sure Blake
B: look I'm sorry that I haven't been with you ok I just been with my family and it just doesn't feel right to just leave you without even saying goodbye, I told my parents that I wanted to stay with you and the others and they said it was fine so I can finally stay with you and we can do the things that we did before if you like.
Y: Blake that's fine you can stay here and everything but I just got Jaden back and I got you back but I just wanna leave the past in the past ok, I'm sorry what I said hurt you but I just leave that behind ok?
He nods, he then says
B: no I get it but can we still be friends?
You nod and you both hug each other. You walked back to where the boys were and say
Y: are you ready to see the new improved movie room?
They all say yes and I open the door and yell
There looks where like she actually did that herself?
You let them walk in and you go in, I sit down and chase sits next to me.

What happens next?

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