2|| Peeling layers

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I still remembered how I felt the first time my parents anniversary came and they weren't here. It was, as always, early January. Usually my mother would woke up early to prepare a lovely and delicious breakfast before my father had to leave for work. I barely saw him other than weekends since his work schedule was too occupied. But on their anniversary or our birthdays we always started the day together.

My parents were never rich people, we sometimes even live by the day, but they always made up things out of no were, so with simple flour and a bit of apple my mother would made us the greatest dessert ever. It could easily pass as a 5 star restaurant. Or at lest that what I remember.

After their accident now three years ago, their marriage anniversary started rather depressing. Like today. Me and Granny decided to visit them before school and she even sugest to go have breakfast on the small cafe at the courner. But it still didn't compensate their lost. I missed them like crazy, I mostly had accepted that they're gone but sometimes it felt like their hole would never be fully closed. Like today.

So when I entered my fist period I already was in a sour mod, no matter Macy's hugs or Norah's charade. They helped, yeah, but what I needed was something that was crashed three summers ago.

The first hour passed in a blur, I forced myself to take notes but in my head I was far, far away. If that stupid car crash had never happend, how would be my parents now? Would my father finally had been promoted? Would my mother ever lost her hard accent we all but her loved? Would we still be living on that small flat over the flower shop?

I guess I'd never know and that pained me deep inside. Like burning that never stopped.

Turning on the autopilot, I entered almost the first Economy's class and immediately took one of the seats in the first row. This fist days it was very important were we decided to camp up since it would became our place for the rest of the trimester. I made myself comfortable as people began to arribe, appreciating how I saw perfectly the board and was close enough to listen everything but not too much so I would had to dislocate my neck in order to see the blackboard. Just perfect. Well, guess something good could come out of today.

It wasn't really a surprise the spot next to mine remain empty. As you could imagine, I wasn't exactly a popular person and nobody eager to remain socially alive would willingly come this close. Even tho it kinda hurt, I'd get used to it with the course of past years. Especially last trimester. Nobody wanted to get dragged under populars rage, no matter how good the seat was.

So when I saw Norah cheerfully passing the door's frame my mood immediately lighted up. She smiled quickly spotting me and began making her way here. Great, the fact that I mentally prepared myself to be alone yet another class didn't mean I much rather have her with me. Before she reached the chair, though, a sudden voice stop her.

"That seat's taken."

My stomach fell and we both turned in disbelief to the one who talked. Not that I needed to, I'd recognize him anywhere: Brett freaking Ryder.

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