13|| Don't flinch

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"Thank God." his voice came immediately from the other side of the line, letting out what it looked like a relief sigh. "I thought you wouldn't talk to me anymore. Lys, I'm so, so sorry. You have no idea-"


"How are you?" his tone laced with concern and that made my heart squeez painfully. "Well, that's kind of a stupid question, isn't it? But are you still hurting? I swear to God I-"

"Don't do this." I begged pitifully, my voice cracking at the end.

"What?" seriously, he needed to drop that careful façade, it was tearing my already precarious dam. "Do what?"

"Don't act like that."

"Like what?"

"Like you care."

"But I do ca-"

"No." I cut him quickly, sure that if he finished that sentence I'd allow myself to fall again. "Just- Stop." I fought back a sob, too eager to believe something that would only hurt me in the end.

"Lys..." he whispered and somehow he managed to sound ached. But then inhaled a deep breath and let it out tensedly. "Fine. Be my guest. Just tell me if you're okay."

"I'll survive." I sniffled, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. This is what I'd been avoiding. Be this pathetic in front of him. I had to force myself to remember the main reason why I started this contact again. "So? You tell on Jade or not?"

"Of course I told on her." his responce was immediate but I could only frowned. How could he say it so carelessly? For a few seconds the only noise was our breathing, no further explanations from his part that would allowed some light into this nonesense.

"Well," I spoke again seeing he wasn't going to. "I bet she's terribly mad at you right now."

"See if I care." My heart clenched at the amound of hidden agressiveness his tone held. As if he wanted to be mad but was restraining himself. "I swear, Lys, if she was a guy I would had already beat her."

The knot in my throat tightened further. "Now why would you do that?" I hated how brethless it came but I couldn't exactly prevent it.

"Why?" he echoed in disbelief and I bit my lip, taking seat on the bed seeing as this conversation would take longer than I thought. "You haven't just asked me that."

"Well, she messed with me. Boohoo. It's not like it's the first time. You do it often."

"I've never hit you."

"You broke my arm." there was a sharp intake of air from the other side of the line and I realized what I just said. My eyes widened. Why do I always had to pull his buttons? "I-I mean..."

"That was an accident." instead of bloading rage, his voice sounded almost pleading, filled with painful guilt that took me completely aback. "I never meant for it to happen... but you're right. I was horrible. I'm sorry. I guess this is kinda my fault after all, isn't it?" he sighed, deeply tired and I felt my chest clunching, suppressing the sudden need to confort him.

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