7|| Attention whore

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I thought avoiding a party would had been easy due to my curriculum in not attending them and how awful had ended the few I did went to... But nah to the ah to the no. The moment I told Macy and Norah this last got so excited it was almost as if you gave candy to a child. High on sugar!

Granny didn't exactly help either. The moment I let it drop, hopping she would frown and told me about how insane and unhealthy this events were, her face lighted up.

"Finally, sweetie! I was wondering when would you began acting like a teenager your age."

Excuse me?!

I mean, yeah, I don't do parties nor any of this stuff, but it simply isn't my thing! Also if you add that half the royalty of Clayton High want me to bite the ground. Not exactly the best enviroment for me to step in and, I don't know, have fun relax or whatever it is that happen on those events. Honestly, I only attended two in my life and both were on the top 5 worst moments of my existence.

Macy was fully aware of it and was the most sensitive in this... unlike Norah, who barged inside my bedroom after my Friday's shift had end and demanded to see all my 'sexy clothes'.

Sexy clothes? Good luck finding any of that in my wardrobe. Considering the lack of chances I got to buy new clothes she'd be lucky if she finds anything nice.

I like my wardrove, I like my style whether pretty consciencious it wasn't the best. I think I did good with the little I was given. Most of it was from the street market but, hey! I'm not Kendall Jenner people!

Both of them, on the other hand, looked like the perfect mix of casual yet dolled up.

"I swear, Alyson." grumbled Norah throwing more clother on the bed between Macy and me. "If I see one more sweater..."

"I like them!"

"Oh, don't tell me! I don't get how could you have decent tops but just went and decided it's a good idea cover them up with those huge potato bags." finally sighing in resignation she sent me a smirk and moved to her bag by the door. "Lucky for you, I'm prepared for any situation."

Macy leaned over to 'whisper': "She scare me when she gets like this."

"Shut up, Macy-bu. You know you love me." and sat legs crossed in front of us, digging into her bag. "Damn, where is- Oh, here." and pulled from the bottom of it what it looks like a silky cloth. I got a bad feeling the moment I saw it and frowned.

"What is that?"

She gasped, holding it tenderly to her chest as if it was a baby. "That has feelings, Alyson. You shall not offend it."

As I gawked her deciding how to react Macy rolled her eyes. "Told you. We lost her."

This time Norah threw a pillow aiming for the brunette's head but she dodget it with a giggle. "You won't be that lucky." and turned back to me, tossing the cloth with a winning grin. It happen to be a maroon cropped top that laced on the nape and leave the back bare 'til the waist where the coth's hems met again. The fabric so soft it was lovely to just keep petting it. "See? I told you would love it."

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