33|| A good friend

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I looked up and saw the flicker of shock in Connor's gaze, but I guess I couldn't blame him since I was silently sitting on the steps of the porch of his empty dark house. He stood on the path that slit the front yard in two symmetric pieces and Trevor raised one brow by his side as they both took me in.

Connor's eyes scanned up and down, but not a single muscle of his face moved. "This doesn't look like 'taking care'." he hummed, hinting at our last texts from some hours ago.

Him on the other hand, looked like he'd hold his end of the deal. There wasn't any new bruises at first glance and his knuckle were almost healed, so he hadn't hit anyone recently, must have been to the wager-swaps, then.

I stood slowly, my limbs feeling numb after all this time sitting stiff, and unplugged the earpieces, taking with them the music. My heart still felt heavy, but I hope I wasn't looking as low as I first felt when I left the game. I shifted my weight one foot to the other, part of me wondering if he'd kick me out from showing up without letting him know first.

In my defence, I really needed some comfort after everything, I wasn't in the mood to go home and mourn this horrible feeling on my own, so I told Granny I was staying with Norah and came here to an empty house. Apparently their parents were on another experimental retire, and she was staying at some of her other friends' house. Macy was in that family thing until tomorrow and I really didn't have more plan B. That's what happens when I rustle up. So I decided to wait for Connor instead and see if he takes pity on me, because I really didn't want to be alone at the moment.

Because if I was I would overthink and go over all Brett'd said over and over again and I didn't want to keep crying. Was I really that bad of a friend?

I forced a smile by the time Connor and Trevor reached the porch. "How did it go?"

"And to you?" fired back Connor, seeing right through me and my grin faltered.

Trevor whistled. "Well, looks like I should probably leave you two to it." he nodded my way in acknowledgement. "Alyson." and patted Connor's shoulder, barely a friendly tap, but it didn't fail to see how his muscles tensed a second before relaxing again as Trevor walked down the street towards his own place.

"My parents aren't home." Connor stated, fishing the keys from his pocket as he sidestepped me to the porch and fiddle with them in the lock. "And it's late."

"I-I know." I gulped, tugging the cuffs of the jacket in nerves. "Can I stay a bit?" Can I stay the night? But that felt too bold to ask just like that and too self-inviting.

Connor shrugged, opening the door and pushing it all the way to allow me in as well. I muttered a 'thank you' and walked pass him into the familiar lobby and hearing the door click shut behind us.

Connor turned off the security alarm and I examined him closely the lights. He had the usual dark circles under his eyes, and his knuckles were still a bit purplish from his last fight, but aside from the also usual messy hair, there wasn't anything out of place. He definitely hadn't fought tonight and relief filled me at that confirmation.

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