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"Hi." I grinned as I opened the door and came face to face with Connor. To my surprise, he was kinda dressed up for the occasion. True to his style, he didn't wear a suit -no surprise there- but he was in his black jeans -the ones without holes in them- a plain dark shirt and his leather jacket. His hair also looked less disheveled than usual, but it could be my perception.

When I asked him to the Spring Ball I had been so sure he wouldn't want to come. And he didn't. But with some convincing he finally agreeded begrudgingly.

I smiled at the effort he put on it and, let's be fair, it showed. "You look good."

He hummed, detached from emotions as usual, but his eyes slid over me, burning me from head to toe. "Likewise."

I scoffed, a little deflated at his flat compliment. "Likewise? You're not even going to say it back?"

The hem of his mouth curled upwards as he took the challenge and he stepped closer, completely on my personal space as he towered over me and I was surrounded but the lovely citric scent that followed him everywhere.

"You," his fingers traced throat, his thumb blanched my skin as his palm reached my shoulder and it brushed sensually over my exposed collarbone. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I barely hear my own voice and there was a glint of satisfaction in his eyes before he captured my lips for a short kiss.

It felt more like a promise, dark and dangerous; but he pulled away too soon and it was as if the world began turning once more. My head spun and I felt light, fuzzy.

I never seemed to be prepared for him. And we both know it.

I blushed and stepped aside for him to come. I could tell he was taken aback by me letting him in when we were supposedly to march straight towards the school from here and the red in my face hardened. "Oh, mh, yes. C-could you step in for a second? My grandma-"

"Is he here already?" came Granny's voice lowering the stairs. "Come in, come in, I'm ready for the pictures. Bring him to the fireplace."

Connor's brow perked in the slightest to my mortification and mouthed: "Pictures?"

"I promise I had no idea!" I rushed in case he thought I'd set this up. "She..." I cleared my throat, fiddling with the skirt of my purple gown. "She w-wants to do one of those typical pics before we go... b-but it's okay if you don't want to. I-I can tell her that-" but he cut my nervous ramble with a shrug.

"It's fine."

I let out a relieved breath. "Thanks, come in then."

Granny was super excited about Connor, not seeming to mind his lack of reactions or straight face most of the time. She had been all over him since he first met her, and I was really glad she approved so much. Not because it matters to my feelings, but I just loved that she was so happy about us.

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