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The old abandoned factory was just like I remembered it from the last time. Big, half down and with that weird scent of sweat, piss, weed an alcohol. The crowd was suffocating and loud, cheering like animals at every hit, and I flinch every time Connor took a blow.

He as already spit blood to the ground but that only seemed to spike the blood thirst of this bunch. I was unease, feeling not only nervous but worried and kinda scared at both the situation and heavy environment. I shifted closer to Trevor under the column and he sent me a brief glance, putting his arm on my shoulders before focusing back on the fight before us.

I wasn't that sure yet that we were friends. He was kinda weird, too straight forward and a little unease, but I guess kind in his own way. And he made sure I was alright in here while Connor was busy. And I needed this safety he provided I felt like throwing up at the display of violence before us.

Soon, but not as soon as I would have liked, Connor finally made the end bow, dodging the other guy and making them fall on the dirty floor before knocking him off. It was scary, but also... kinda hot. And I would blush at my own uncalled thought considering the situation, but I was too overwhelmed by everything else to fully acknowledge that thought or my reaction to that thought.

Only then Connor made his way here as the crowd cheered excitedly, exchanging the bet's gains and they call for new volunteers on this neanderthal show. I was on my tiptoes, anxious until the moment he stepped out the taped circle on the floor and then met him half way, letting my arms closer around his middle and letting his solid presence take away the previous stress.

"Oh my God, how are you? Are you okay? Are you bleeding? Do you need to-" but was halted in my ranting by his hand on my head, keeping the hood down to my eyes.

"Not now." he keep his other arm around me keeping me close.

A part of me wanted to believe it was because he needed me close as well, but it was clear what was really going on was that he was hurt and needed me to steady him. And also, so I wouldn't get lost in the oppressive crowd pushing and pulling, screaming and making loud noises more proper of animal than of humans.

I shouldn't have come. Connor didn't want me to, but when I say I would be he didn't tell me off either.

Maybe he wanted me here deep inside but knew it was right and so he acted like this. And yes, I was forced to hide and cover up once more. 

Was it really so important that they don't know how I look like? Despites when around Connor, the eyes never navigated even remotely towards me. I doubted anyone would care enough to take full notice. 

Same as last time as well, we went outside right after, not really wanting to spend more time than needed in that foul place and he leaned against the back of the car as Trevor took out his first aid kid. For the easy way they resolve this, it was clear this was his ritual. They made obnoxious bets, Connor got out there to be roughened up, and then he patched him and split the gains.

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