18|| Amazingly handled

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I couldn't remember falling asleep. I remembered the freaking spooky movie, tho. My choice, right. Out the whole lot in the section Connor's selected Midsommar looked more light and chill. Big mistake. Maybe it's covers wasn't creepy or gore, but three minutes into the movie I was already with chills and full material for my future nightmares. Luckily, Connor fell asleep in the middle of it and I was able to pause that thing, but then I did remember the horrible unease and fear within me. Even walking those few steps in the dark hallway felt impossible.

I guess that's why I decided to wait a few moment to see if this horrible feeling loosens, but it didn't.  And I guess too that was why now I woke up a bit closer than I intended... well, a lot closer.  I carefully shifted, detaching the side of my face from his shoulder and uncuddling his arm, self-consciously. Thank God he was sleeping.  My heart hammered forcefully as I try to make out how I ended there. Cuddling to Connor. I was sure he wouldn't appreciate it if he'd seen it...

Yet my chest constricted as he furrowed his brows when I moved away, turning to his side as if he too noticed this coldness that replaced where our bodies had been touching. I held my breath as he settled in this new position, his hand on the mattress barely an inch from mine and I felt the skin prinking at the nearness. I remained rock-still, both wanting him to wake up and hoping he didn't, until his breaths became deep and long once more.

I looked at his sleeping face. It was weird, that he was looking this... innocent. Like he usually never held emotion, but there was something different now, not only he wasn't expressing through his features but also he wasn't hardening them. The softness in his expression, the way his lips were lightly parted... his breaths hitting my face each time he exhale woke up goosebumps all over me.

I snapped my gaze to the ceiling, focusing on the shadows projected by the sunlight coming from the window. Stunned, I pressed a hand over my chest, right over where my heart was drumming crazily at the nearness and surprise. I allowed myself to steal a last glance, the unusual sight of vulnerability in the boy beside me; somehow managing to pinch my heart. He was... cute like this.

Okay, get a grip.

I tore my gaze away, carefully getting into a sitting position; which turned to be difficult, not only for the way the mattress dipped at each move but also because I was being extra careful not to awake him. The fact that I overstayed was more and more evident as minutes passed. I wasn't even sure what time it was because I left my phone at Norah's bedroom and Connor didn't have any clock around apparently. The one thing that was sure was that the more I stayed, the more chances of being caught here and then had to deal with explanations.

But apparently luck wasn't on my side because just as I manage to put my feet on the ground, ready to finally leave the bed and scurried out, the door burst open and slammed against the wall sending my pulse overdrive as Norah stomped on. Her hair messy and her pajama all crumbled. "Well, good morning!" she cheerfully exclaimed, making my blood pooled in my cheeks under her pointed look as Connor stirred behind me. "I was wondering where you were but I certainly didn't expect this." she sat abruptly at the feet of the mattress, shaking it all and if I wasn't enough self-conscious yet, she smirked at me knowingly and turned to poke his brother's arm nosily. "Eventful night, uh? Come on, up up!"

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