17|| Sleepover

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"Are we sure about this? I'm all good with just snacks." I muttered looking forward at the little grocery store behind the park, the newest one from all town; humble and open 'til late hours at night. Also where most teens bought  their alcohol and, judging but Norah's maschivious gaze and the not-so-likely-jokes she'd been doing al the way here; I was afraid those might be her intentions as well. The street was already dark so its tenue light stood from the chilling of it's surroundings.

"Sure we are." Norah frowned unbuckling herself but Macy hesitated as I gulped and fixed her gaze there too.


Because people drinking always always seemed to turn sour for me. My guts twitched making me flinch. But this were the girls. Just a chill  sleep over at Norah's. I guess if they had a little wouldn't be that bad. Swallowing the bad memories from my last party dryly and instead gave them a smile. "Never mind."

"Oh please." Norah scoffed, rolling her eyes and opening the car's door as if urging us to do the same and hope out the Jeep. "You wanted those crackers, didn't you? And I'm in terrible need to get a drink. Come on, we hadn't had a girl night since forever I really want to get shit faced." today she was moodier than usual since apparently her and Connor'd gotten into a fight before the girl picked me up from work.

Macy pursed her lips, not really liking her solution. "You really need to get drunk?"

"Well, do you have any other idea on how to get my mind off? 'Cause I'm all ears."

Even through my unease in the back seat I noticed the sudden intensity when they locked eyes and how the air around them changed as the seconds stretched . One, two... five, and finally Macy blushed, looking away. "No. Nothing that I can think right now."

What looked like disappointmet and hurt crossed Norah's gaze but she was quick in hiding it with another smile. "We're on the same page then. Lovely."

But the tension as she got out the car was anything but 'lovely'. Macy sighed, shaking her head to her self and I knitted my brows together. They clearly had something going on that I wasn't aware of. Did something else happen after that almost kiss in Lydia's party? Our eyes met through the rear mirror and suddeny my previous anxiety didn't feel so overwheling, melting in the background as my lips curved upwards.

"Do I want to know?"

Her blush deepened. "There's nothing to know."


"Are you coming or will I have to chose our snacks by myself?" Norah called for us from outside, whining like a little child and we finally slipped out the vehicle. She smiled beamingly right after locking the car, sliding her arms over our shoulders. "Finally. Shall we?"

I almost snorted, rolling my eyes amused at her cheerfulness I let her pulled me towards the grocery but soething stopped us before we get to enter it: "Alyson?" we all turned at the new voice and saw a little group gathered on the bench by the bench by the bark's limit. They were from Clayton High, I recognized most of them from our course. They were all chatting animatedly, laughing and passing around  a bottle I could only asumed they got in the same store we were about to enter.

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