Him & I

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POV: Kai

My entire life I had never felt sorry about anything. But somehow Sienna did something in me. Broke me...fixed me? Whichever way you saw it something had changed because I definitely felt bad for what I had done to her. "Hey Sienna-" She looked at me.

"Yea?" I paused and we got to the hole in the ground that led to the cave.

"I-.." I took a deep breath. You can do this. She looked at me confused. "I'm sorry...about scaring you and almost killing you. I honestly don't know why I'm sorry but I am so- yea..." She looked at me analytically and it made me nervous so I cleared my throat.

"Are you serious? This isn't another trick? You're ACTUALLY sorry." I nodded. "It's okay...it was the worst pain I've ever felt and it scared the shit out of me but it's okay. At least you get it was wrong." I felt the water she was talking about before pool up in my eyes this time. Then, almost like some form of unseeable force or an involuntary action, I threw my arms around her. I didn't know why I was hugging her but it felt good, like I should've been doing it all along.
She flinched and paused but eventually, she hesitantly hugged back. After what seemed like two full minutes of just us holding each other she cleared her throat. I could tell she felt awkward and I pulled away.

"Sorry" I wiped my eyes, surprised I had used that word again.

"No, it's okay. It was- kinda nice" she shrugged and I nodded once.

"Let's get going. We don't have much time." I jumped into the cave and she followed behind me, using her magic to soften the fall. I took out the ascendant and put my backpack in the center of the light to make sure it came with us. "Alright...let's get the hell out of here." I sat on some nearby rocks and started playing around with the ascendant making sure everything was perfect for when the time came. She sat beside me and watched.

POV: Sienna

"So, how long until the astrological event." I honestly had no idea what we were waiting for; but, I guessed it had something to do with the light because of the weird hole at the top of the cave.

"The eclipse," he emphasized eclipse as an explanation to what exactly we were waiting for. "is in about an hour. So we just gotta sit tight till then." I nodded and continued watching him fidget with the weird contraption. I looked at his face after. He was so focused and serious, it was hot. I got the weird urge to kiss him and then smacked myself. Kai saw me smack myself and looked at me as if I was the crazy one. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked sounding genuinely surprised and concerned.

"Uh- it's- nothing. Don't worry, I'm fine." I blushed hard. He may not have known it was about kissing him but me knowing it was embarrassing enough. He looked at me even more confused now.

"Why do you look like you got a sun burn- out of nowhere." I giggled. He was so clueless it was adorable.

"I'm blushing Kai. It happens when I get embarrassed." He put the ascendant down and nodded.

"Well, stop hitting yourself. Only I can hit you." He smirked and I unconsciously backed up. "I'm kidding- Sie, I'm kidding. I'm not gonna hurt you anymore." He grabbed my hand and I looked down. He looked down then too and almost involuntarily I interlaced our fingers. He smiled softly and that caused me to replicate his expression. He smirked then. "I have a game I wanna play with you." I looked away from our hands and into his eyes. Oh god. I thought.

"Please not truth or dare again." He chuckled.

"No, it's- well as far as I know I just made it up. Do you know the near touch dance?" I nodded.
Of course, I did. Mystic Falls is practically known for making people near touch dance at every ball and event in town. "It's like that but not dancing and whoever touched the other first loses." I smiled at the thought of being close to him and blindly accepted.

"Oh, you're on."

He stood up at the same time I did and we were only about a foot and a half away from each other. He put his hands up and I put mine up too; extremely close to his but not touching. He moved his hands to hover above my shoulders and down my chest. He stopped over my boobs and I gave him a serious look.

"What?" He smirked. "I'm not touching you." He teased and I laughed softly and shook my head. What an asshole. He moved his hands down to my waist then and I moved my hands to the muscles on his arms. Then hovering down over his chest.

I looked up at his face to see he was extremely close to me. He leaned in and I couldn't help but lean towards him too. Once our lips were inches from each other he smirked. "You're gonna lose..." I could barely breathe at this point.

"N- no. I'm not touching you"

I mocked his statement from earlier and he chuckled. A few seconds later I could barely take it anymore. The desperate urge to touch him was almost as bad as being chained up. He must've been feeling the same way because suddenly he grabbed my waist tightly, pushing it against his, and our lips touched.

At first, it was just a desperate, intense, kiss. But then our lips parted and his moved with mine. We made out, his tongue slipping between my lips here and there and in that moment our entire past faded behind us. It was only him and I; our desperate bodies against each other.

Hey humansss :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The last paragraph had me dying lol. Please remember to vote and comment thank you!

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