Brother Sister "Bonding"

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POV: Sienna

I woke up tied to a metal chair. It was freezing. I lifted my head to see my little brother laying on the floor in front of me playing on his phone. Although, he wasn't so little anymore. I stared at him for a long time before he finally looked up at me. Growing up with a phone must really be detrimental if he couldn't even notice his own captive staring at him. "Oh hi." He told me not even bothering to fake a smile now.

"Hey." I smiled sarcastically and it reminded me of Kai. I missed him so much. Gabriel sat up with his legs in a crisscrossed position facing me now.

"Oooh, little sis got an attitude. I bet guys LOVE that." He flicked his wrist and for the first time since I'd met him, he looked feminine. He's gay, I'm guessing. But in today's society, it's better not to assume.

"What do you want from me." I ignored his stupid comment. He sighed and picked up his phone again.

"Honestly Sienna, I don't give a shit about you. I'm not the one who wants you." He said while casually scrolling through TikTok. Not even bothering to look up at me.

"Well, who does then?" I said while shivering within the ropes. It had to be below 60 degrees Fahrenheit at least and the metal chair that didn't seem too warm wasn't helping.

"You'll see soon." I rolled my eyes. What do crazy people get out of being so cryptic all the time? He stood up then and put his phone against the wall.

"What are you doing?" He turned around to face me.

"You mean what are WE doing." I rolled my eyes and if I could've facepalmed I would've. "I saw this TikTok about a guy spitting at his girlfriend, I'm gonna do it with you." I looked at him completely repulsed.

"You're disgusting." He chuckled lightly, smiling for the first time since I'd woken up.

"Come on Sie. It's not like I'm fucking you. And on top of that, I'm gay, I wouldn't want you even if you weren't my sister. Besides," he grabbed a glass of water that was on a small table near the door. "you don't have a choice. Think of it as some brother-sister bonding!"

So, I was right. He is gay. He knelt by the phone and got ready to press the timer. "People are gonna notice I'm kidnapped and you're gonna go to jail. You think they're really gonna just ignore the fact I'm tied to a chair in a warehouse?"

"Yes actually. They'll just think it's some kinky shit. Especially since this app is mostly kids, they're so stupid they can't tell the difference." He shrugged. I looked at him disgusted again but he ignored it. "So basically all you have to do is-" I cut him off.

"Yes yes, I know. I've seen the TikTok." This may have been less painful than when Kai had kidnapped me but it was just as torturous.

"If you say so." He pressed the timer than and stood up when the song started walking over to me drinking the water casually. I cringed so hard at him trying to look straight. It was the most cliche wanna-be straight man I'd ever seen. Wow, for a Bennet you're really fu-. Before I could finish my thought he yanked my head back and held my jaw open. Then slowly he let the water pour into my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut so repulsed I thought I might throw up. The video ended and he forcefully closed my jaw. "Swallow." He demanded. And I did, not because he told me to but because I was parched. I hadn't had water since last night at the grill. He giggled femininely, having dropped the straight act when the TikTok ended, and ran back over to his phone.

"I need more." I begged. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was. He looked at me confused and disgusted.

"Incest much? Disgusting bitch." He shook his head and looked back at his phone.

"No! You idiot, I need water." He finished texting someone and then grabbed the glass of water and walked toward me again. The way he wouldn't get off his phone was really beginning to bother me. He put the glass of water to my left cheek and poured a little down my face.

"Oh whoops, that's not it sorry." He moved it to my chin just below my mouth and poured some there teasingly. He gasped playfully. "I am such a klutz! Sorry, I'll get it right next time I promise." He put the glass in the wrong place again and I moved my head away before he could pour any more water on me. The water made me feel like the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees.

"Stop it." He laughed.

"Fine, fine." He put the glass to my lips and I chugged it down to the last drop. "Oof- ms. girl! The water isn't going anywhere." He teased me again and I let my head fall back enjoying the satisfaction the water caused. But suddenly, I began to feel dizzy. Everything looked weird and my eyes were oddly sensitive to the light. He looked into my eyes. "Wow, that worked faster than I thought." I squinted and blinked fast trying to see.

"What did you do to me?" I mumbled and felt my heart rate speed up. He rolled his eyes and sat against the wall on his phone. Again.

"Chill Sie, it's just a little LSD it won't kill you." That explanation would've been great if I knew what the hell LSD was. I felt something crawling on my leg then. Reflexively, I flinched and when I looked down I saw roaches crawling up my legs. I screamed and shook pointlessly trying to get them off. They crawled all the way up to my neck and face and then they just disappeared altogether. Gabriel looked at me laughing extremely hard and I felt like I wanted to cry. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Gabriel's face dropped when the door opened.

"What the hell did you do to her?" A tall woman stood in the doorway. I couldn't tell who she was because everything looked and sounded distorted. But she was wearing black leather pants, a dark red top, and had voluminous hair.

"N- nothing I-" she cut him off but I couldn't understand what she said. I saw his figure run out of the room then and shortly after, in ran Bonnie and Kai. Bonnie shut the door locking it and then ran behind me beginning to untie the ropes around me. Kai stood in front of me and cupped my face.

"Baby," he had tears in his eyes. "Th- thank god you're okay, I was so scared." He cried and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back and went to press my forehead against his but my head only fell. He was gone, and I was still tied up in the ropes with Gabriel sitting in front of me.

Hey earthlings, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment anything! It's really appreciated. Thank you :)

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